Hello from NE Ohio

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Hello from NE Ohio

Post by Chas100 »

Want to say hello from NE Ohio and looking forward to information on the 870’s !!! A long time firearms enthusiasts and collector/accumulator of vintage firearms and WW1 and WW2 firearms, field gear and bayonets. I have a few shotguns but mostly used them for hunting (don’t hunt much anymore) and a few heirlooms. Been in a few matches at Camp Perry and also make the trip to the CMP North Store to scratch that itch a few times a year. I also love my rimfires.

I recently retired and have a little more time for one of my favorite hobbies target shooting. As stated I’m far from a newbie with firearms but mostly rifles and handguns. I received my 1st shotgun (a used single shot 410 little pet that I still have) when I was around 9 or 10 then moved up to an Ithaca 37 featherweight in 16 gauge. As I got older life got in the way with raising my family and I got away from hunting and firearms for a few years. When I got back into it, it was mostly rimfire and vintage military firearms. I have sold a few but still have a few Garands, Carbines, 03’s, A3’s, 1911A1’s and 22 training rifles.

There’s a private club close by me one of my neighbors has been asking me about joining. They have a few different ranges but most are setup for clays and such along with fishing which is another hobby of mine. The last time I was shooting any type of trap was back in HS. You could bring your own firearm and keep it locked in your car SO that shows it’s been quite some time ago lol.

I really like the 870’s and kind of leaning that way. The 870 police magnums are something I’ve had an interest in and I’m also wanting to try my hand at some skeet especially if I end up joining this club.

I stumbled upon this site while searching for information on a few police magnum turn ins that were at a gun show last weekend.
Thanks again for the opportunity to join this forum !
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