I have the DPMS 3G1 rifle. I decided to upgrade it to use for dynamic shooting sports such as 3-Gun and IPSC.
One of the things every AR-15 shooter wants is softer recoil. There are many ways to reduce recoil on the AR-15 platform. This article is about three ways to reduce the recoil on the AR-15 rifle.
DPMS 3G1 AR-15 Rifle Review
Always wanted to have an AR-15 and now I have one. DPMS is a well know manufacturer of AR-15 rifles and I have chosen the one that will be awesome for dynamic shooting like 3-Gun or IPSC.
So, what makes it a good choice for a competitive shooter?
Remington 700 SPS with MDT (Modular Driven Technologies) HS3 LA Stock Chassis
The Remington 700 is a rifle typically used for hunting and target shooting. The Remington 700 Special Purpose Synthetic Stainless is a high-performance bolt-action rifle which combines affordability with a high-quality construction. If you are familiar with the traditional Remington 700, then you will get all of those features in this updated version plus a whole lot more.
Best H&K MP5, SP5 and Clones (MKE T94, Z-5) Upgrades and Accessories UPDATED 2022
What is Heckler & Koch MP5?
The Heckler & Koch MP5 is a submachine gun that comes from West Germany. The ammo is fed into the MP5 by a long detachable magazine that fits underneath the receiver. There are different size magazines available for the Heckler & Koch MP5. They can have anywhere from a 15-round to a 40-round capacity. There is even a military grade drum magazines which can hold up to 100 rounds.
There are a lot of different submachine guns, but the Heckler & Koch MP5 is the most popular of them all. Approximately 40 countries currently make the MP5 available to security companies, intelligence agencies, military branches, and law enforcement agencies. For decades, SWAT teams in the United States used the MP5 as their primary weapon of choice. They recently replaced it with the AR-15, though.
SP5 is an authentic civilian version of the legendary MP5 sub machine gun.
Remington 1100 Shotgun Review, Top 8 Upgrades and Accessories
Remington has made gas-operated shotguns since the 1950s. Their very first one manufactured was the Model 58 semi-automatic shotgun. This shotgun line enjoyed a fair amount of success between 1956 and 1963. But then, they built a better gas-operated shotgun which reduced recoil a lot more. This model was called the Remington Model 1100. It was first introduced in 1963 and has been manufactured ever since. The three most common gauges manufactured for this shotgun are the 12-gauge, 28-gauge, .410 bore and 20-gauge.
- November 18, 2017
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Remington 597 Review, Best Upgrades and Accessories UPDATED 2020
When I say .22LR semi-auto rifle, what immediately comes to mind? The Ruger 10/22, right? Over the last 60 years, Ruger has cornered the market on semi-auto .22LR rifles. There’s a reason they come to mind first; they are great guns. But the 10/22 is not the only .22LR semi-auto rifle on the market. Today we will look at another contender in that category, the Remington 597.
- July 24, 2017
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Salient Arms International Remington 870
Awesome photos of Salient Arms International Remington 870.
- July 23, 2017
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Best Kel-Tec KSG Shotgun Accessories and Upgrades
The Kel-Tec KSG shotgun is a revolutionary 12-gauge bullpup pump-action shotgun. In case you didn’t know, a bullpup shotgun is one where the action is situated behind the trigger group. The Kel-Tec KSG contains two magazine tubes that allow a person to manually switch between them in real-time. Each magazine tube can hold seven shotgun shells that are 12-gauge and 2.75 inches long. If you are using 3-inch shotgun shells, then each magazine tube can hold six of them. This can certainly hold a lot more ammunition than a classic shotgun which only has one magazine tube. The people who use the Kel-Tec KSG are generally those who like to shoot a lot of ammunition and don’t like to waste too much time with reloading.
The Best Remington 870 Upgrades for Hunting – Updated 2022
Remington 870 is the most popular pump-action shotgun in the world. It is used by police, military, special forces and regular people. They all use Rem 870 for different purposes, from door breaching to home defense and hunting. There are many variations of the Remington 870 that you can choose.
The Remington 870 is adored because of its dependability and affordability. While some hunting shotguns tend to cost upwards of one thousand dollars, you can get a Remington 870 Express shotgun for under $500.
Remington 870 is easy to customize for different purposes. A lot of people hunt with 870, so I receive a lot of questions about the best and must have upgrades for hunting shotgun.
You need to understand that there are different types of the game and you need to change chokes, ammunition and some upgrades for particular type of the game.
Although any Remington 870 could be used for hunting, the Remington 870 Wingmaster is the preferred shotgun for hunters. It is an American classic that has been manufactured by Remington for over 60 years and it still holds up strong against the modern day shotguns. You have the option of choosing between a 12, 20 and other gauges.
Best Remington 700 Upgrades: Stock, Bipod, Scope Base, Bolt Lift, Barrel
The Model 700 has a bolt action which is manually operated and contains 2 forward lugs (dual-opposed). It has a lower bolt face which completely encloses the cartridge base. The extractor sits inside the bolt face as a C-clip. The ejector of the bolt face acts as a plunger which needs a coil spring to activate it. The bolt is constructed with 3 brazed pieces; the bolt handle, head, and body. Circular cross-section steel is used to mill the receiver.
There are many variations of the Remington 700. The bolt body has 2 lugs that are symmetrical and a diameter that is 17.65 millimeters. The lock time of the long action is approximately 3.2 milliseconds.
Different magazine configurations can be added to the Remington 700. You can add a blind magazine (which is a magazine without a floorplate), a detachable box magazine, or a standard magazine that does have a floorplate. Some versions are made for consumer use while others are made for police and military use. In some versions, there will be accessories like bipods and slings included with them.
Standard Model 700 Variants
One Remington variant of the Model 700 is their Mountain LSS model. This contains a barrel made from stainless steel and a stock that is laminated. Another variant is the Remington 700 SPS Varmint which contains a heavy barrel and laminated stock. This model is made specifically for hunting varmint. For a while, the most affordable 700 model was the 700 ADL, but this would eventually get replaced by the Model 700 Special Purpose Synthetic (SPS).
Since 1996, the Remington 700 ML rifle has been produced. This is a rifle which gets loaded at the muzzle. In 2000, the Remington 700 EtronX had the electronic primer ignition system built into it. However, this model and the EtronX primers only lasted on the commercial market for 3 years before their production was stopped. The model was simply not a success.
- July 30, 2016
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Benelli M2 Shotgun Upgrades, Accessories and Modifications for 3-Gun and Practical Shooting
Readers of the blog know that I like to often participate in dynamic/practical shotgun shooting competitions (they have different names such as the International Practical Shooting Confederation, United States Practical Shooting Association, 3-Gun Nation, International Defense Pistol Association, etc).
Such competitions are the best way to check your skills under stress. You need to move fast from one shooting position to another, load your shotgun quickly and shoot from various positions at different targets at a variety of distances with all types of common shotgun ammunition: birdshot, buckshot, and slugs.
The most popular dynamic shooting sport in the USA is 3-Gun Nation. That is why I often receive questions about semi-auto shotguns because they are mostly used in 3-Gun.
What is 3-Gun competition?
There are many types of shooting competitions out there for gun enthusiasts to take part in. But one particular competition that is getting a lot of attention is the 3-gun competition. This is where competitors have to use 3 different types of firearms such as a rifle, shotgun, and pistol. The average shooter is usually pretty good with one particular firearm but not so good with the others. This makes 3-gun a real challenge because it tests their skills with all three firearms and it requires different skill sets in order to win the competition.
Why Benelli M2?
Most of the shooters in this sport use Benelli M2 or Beretta 1301 Competition shotguns. Beretta 1301 comes with an oversized safety, bolt handle and bolt release button from the factory. The Benelli M2 shotgun can be enhanced with aftermarket parts.
My friends who use semi-auto shotguns are fans of the Benelli M2. That is why this post will be about the Benelli M2 shotgun upgrades, accessories, and modifications for 3-Gun and practical shooting.
Special thanks to my friends: Igor, Oleg, Maxim, Oleg and Patrick for help :)