The short-barreled non-NFA Remington TAC-14 shotgun was a success and now Remington introduced semi-auto shorty.
Benelli M2 Shotgun Upgrades, Accessories and Modifications for 3-Gun and Practical Shooting
Readers of the blog know that I like to often participate in dynamic/practical shotgun shooting competitions (they have different names such as the International Practical Shooting Confederation, United States Practical Shooting Association, 3-Gun Nation, International Defense Pistol Association, etc).
Such competitions are the best way to check your skills under stress. You need to move fast from one shooting position to another, load your shotgun quickly and shoot from various positions at different targets at a variety of distances with all types of common shotgun ammunition: birdshot, buckshot, and slugs.
The most popular dynamic shooting sport in the USA is 3-Gun Nation. That is why I often receive questions about semi-auto shotguns because they are mostly used in 3-Gun.
What is 3-Gun competition?
There are many types of shooting competitions out there for gun enthusiasts to take part in. But one particular competition that is getting a lot of attention is the 3-gun competition. This is where competitors have to use 3 different types of firearms such as a rifle, shotgun, and pistol. The average shooter is usually pretty good with one particular firearm but not so good with the others. This makes 3-gun a real challenge because it tests their skills with all three firearms and it requires different skill sets in order to win the competition.
Why Benelli M2?
Most of the shooters in this sport use Benelli M2 or Beretta 1301 Competition shotguns. Beretta 1301 comes with an oversized safety, bolt handle and bolt release button from the factory. The Benelli M2 shotgun can be enhanced with aftermarket parts.
My friends who use semi-auto shotguns are fans of the Benelli M2. That is why this post will be about the Benelli M2 shotgun upgrades, accessories, and modifications for 3-Gun and practical shooting.
Special thanks to my friends: Igor, Oleg, Maxim, Oleg and Patrick for help :)