I wanted to write this article for many years now. There are numerous variants of our favorite Remington 870, and it is a little difficult to choose one for a beginner. I receive lots of questions about different versions of the 870 and which one to choose.
Remington 870 Front and Rear Rifle Sights Installation and Removal
There are several posts about Williams Fire Sights on Rem870.com:
–Williams Gun Sight Company: Remington 870 Universal Ghost Ring Firesights
–Williams Gun Sight Company: Remington 870 Fiber Optic ACE IN THE HOLE Sight Review
–Remington Ghost Ring Firesight Set by Williams Gun Sight Company, Inc.
I decided to try another type of Williams Fire Sights on my Remington 870 with rifle sights:
- July 14, 2019
- 7
- 39318
- Accessories, Sights, Upgrades
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New Remington 870 Side Folder
Remington updated their line of the Model 870. They added new variant with side folding stock. This tactical shotgun is very compact thanks to the folding stock. This makes Remington 870 easier to transport and store by reducing its overall length by approximately 11″ when folded.
- March 16, 2019
- 16
- 29527
- Folding, Remington 870, Tactical
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Remington 870 in Afghanistan and Around the World
More interesting photos from Afghanistan. Soldier with Remington 870
- April 20, 2018
- 2
- 9780
- Accessories, Afghanistan, Upgrades
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Remington Shotguns 870, 11-87, 1100 Trigger Spring Kit
If you own a Remington 870, Remington 11-87, or Remington 1100, and you want better accuracy when shooting slugs, then you will want to upgrade your weapon’s factory sear spring with the lighter spring. You can read about Remington factory sear springs available in previous review: Remington 870 Sear Springs (Light Pull, Standard, Police (Heavy))
- January 25, 2018
- 3
- 13153
- Accessories, Sear, Upgrades
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Remington 870/1100 Shell Latch Staker
If you have a loose latch in your Remington 870 pump-action shotgun or Remington 1100 semi-automatic shotgun, then you probably know how difficult it can be to restake the latch with just a staker and hammer. The Remington 870/1100 Shell Latch Staking Tool will make your restaking job so much easier. Not only will it help you locate the shell latch that is loose, but it will allow you to restake the latch without the need of a hammer. If you like staking latches with ease and convenience, then you should invest in this tool right away.
- November 30, 2017
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- Gunsmithing
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Fixing Remington 870 Failure to Feed Problem
Failure to feed is a pretty rare problem which is also difficult to identify. I didn’t understand what happened first times when I experienced it. You feel that you hit something when you push forend forward trying to feed another round and when you check what happened you see a shotshell on a carrier and everything looks normal.
- June 13, 2017
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- Advice, Gunsmithing, Repair
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What is Remington 870 Flexitab System, Parts, Differences, Identification
The original Remington 870 shotgun was designed in a way that allowed the shotshell to get jammed between the carrier and the bolt. If you tried to remove the shell, it would be a rather difficult process. If you ask anyone who used Remington 870 shotguns before the 1980s, they’ll tell you that it required a user to disassemble the shotgun. Don’t do what a lot of gun owners do and just slam your shotgun onto a hard surface because that will damage the action bars.
- May 26, 2017
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- Advice, Gunsmithing
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Best Heat Shield for the Remington 870 Shotgun
I receive a lot of questions from shotgun owners which want to add a heat shield (barrel shroud) to a shotgun. So, this review will describe available options and how to choose the best heat shield for the Remington 870.
- April 12, 2017
- 8
- 58287
- Accessories, ATI, Heatshield, TacStar, Upgrades
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Review of the 4 Pistol Grips for the Remington 870 Shotgun, Part 2
Read first part here: Review of the 4 Pistol Grips for the Remington 870 Shotgun
Thanks to Synchronizor for this detailed review!
Control Interaction:
There are three controls that an 870 user manipulates with their shooting hand: the trigger, the safety switch, and the slide release. With the traditional semi-grip shotgun stocks that the 870 was designed to use, these controls are all easy to reach and manipulate. Pistol grips, whether part of a stock or stand-alone, can have a significant effect on how – and how easily – these controls are manipulated. Pistol grips rarely interfere with the gun’ s trigger for obvious reasons, but they can – and frequently do – make working the safety or slide release slower or more difficult.
Hogue Tamer Pistol Grip and Forend for Remington870
You can get Hogue Tamer Pistol Grip Forend on Brownells |
Pachmayr Vindicator Grip for Remington 870
You can get Pachmayr Vindicator Grip for Remington 870 on Brownells |
The 870’ s cross-bolt safety is located right behind the trigger, and with a traditional stock that’ s no wider than the receiver and doesn’ t enclose the rear of the trigger guard, it is possible to apply pressure on the safety with the side of the finger, rather than the tip. This allows the user to disengage the safety while keeping their fingertip on or very near the trigger, so a shot can be made virtually immediately. With traditional stocks, the safety is also fairly easily reached with the thumb or middle finger for re-engagement, or for disengagement in the case of left-handed shooters using an 870 with a right-handed safety switch.
Review of the 4 Pistol Grips for the Remington 870 Shotgun
Thanks to Synchronizor for this detailed review!
I won’t get into when, where, and for what I think pistol grips should and shouldn’t be used, because it would just add several thousand more words to what is already a massive piece. I’ll simply say that while they have many downsides, and a fixed or folding stock will be a better choice for many situations, pistol-gripped shotguns do have their place. They’re very compact & maneuverable, and (usually) lighter than a full stock, which can be beneficial on a gun that’s used more as a tool than a weapon, or one that needs to be stored or deployed in very tight spaces. They’re also cool; a lot of folks (myself included) buy a pistol grips just for fun, and that’s a perfectly legitimate reason to own one.