The Shotgun
Remington 870 Project by JP
Several months ago I changed jobs, and in doing so, ended up adding an entirely new area of north Texas to my daily routine. Early on, I would take my lunch break and drive around the surrounding areas to “explore” not only lunch options, but also to just familiarize myself with the local community and businesses that were now nearby. One day after lunch I was driving back to the office and came across a small pawn shop with a sign that was actually bigger than the building itself. I went inside. They had the typical pawn shop items available, which meant that they didn’t have much that I was interested in buying for myself. However, they did have an old Remington 870 Wingmaster tucked away in the corner….I had to take a look.
It was old- I didn’t write down the serial number to research later, but I knew by looking at it that it was old. I actually dismissed it after holding it for only a couple of seconds. My lunch break was getting longer than I’d wanted, so I needed to go.