cv0lv0g0 posted photo and information about his slam fire 870 shotgun on Remington 870 Forum:
UTG Deluxe Universal Shotgun Forend Wrench
I’ve had a post about Remington 870 & Mossberg Stainless Steel Forend Tool some time ago. That tool from S&J Hardware is good and inexpensive, it is useful to change forend on your Remington 870 shotgun.
- May 4, 2012
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Remington 870 Front Sight Fell Off
Remington 870 Front Sight Fell Off
I have heard about such problem when front sight falls out of it’s groove and now I can show you photos which I took on the range. There were shooter with Remington 870 and front sight just fell off after several shots. Front sight was lost forever in a snow. Happily I have one spare standard dovetail front sight which I have given to the shooter.

Remington 870 Front Sight Fell Off

Remington 870 Front Sight Fell Off
Any ideas of how to avoid such problem? Please leave a comment.
Related Post:
Must Have Remington 870 Repair Kit, Parts which every owner need
- February 6, 2012
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Remington 870 Ejector Spring Replacement
My friend has broken ejector spring on his Remington 870 recently. That is why we have recorded a video to show how to replace broken ejector spring on Remington 870. Also, you will find instructions and photos below.
- October 25, 2011
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Benelli M3 Shotgun Modification (adding collapsible stock)
Eros from Italy has sent me interesting information about modification of a Benelli M3 Shotgun and addition of a collapsible stock to it. I think it will be interesting for readers of the blog because Eros and his friend have machined needed part themselves.
- May 26, 2011
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Removing Dimples on Remington 870 Magazine Tube
Shotguns are powerful and versatile weapons but they have very limited magazine capacity. That is why this is one of the first things for a shotgun owner to improve when he starts building his tactical / home defense Remington 870 shotgun.
A lot of Remington 870 owners want to install a magazine extension on their shotguns. But there are dimples in magazine tube which must be removed first. And all of us are afraid to break our favorite shotgun during this process.
What is the purpose of the dimples inside the Remington 870 magazine tube?
I have received answer about dimples directly from the Remington:
“The dimples in the magazine tube is to keep the new style retainer in place. If the
dimples are removed, the retainer would not stay in place. We do not recommend these
dimples to be removed. This style was introduced in the late 80’s.”
But if you want to install magazine extension you still need to drill them out first.
Dimples were not in magazine tube forever, Remington started to punch them into magazine since 1990 or little later. There are no dimples in Police version of Remington 870 (standard Remington 870 Express magazine capaciy is 4+1, or the one with factory magazine extension is 6+1, but it has dimples too)
Some owners say that drilling them out leads to rusting of your magazine tube so you may find it useful to cold blue it.
- January 17, 2010
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