The Best Shotgun Sights: Iron, Ghost Ring, Fiber, Tritium
Some of you may have seen your grandfather or older shooters lick their finger and touch the bead sight on their shotgun. Why was this done? There are many explanations and Hollywood has created some of the reasons but the one that makes the most sense is that the moisture puts a little shine on the sight. Some might say they do not need a shine and may need the sight blackened with a smudge pot as some used to do. It simply proves that everyone has his or her own techniques and style. The soot from the smudge was flat black and did not give off any reflection. In other words absolutely no glare. If the color of the front bead is the same as your target you may have a hard time distinguishing the two so on occasion you may need a contrast for better accuracy.

Remington 870 Universal Ghost Ring Firesights
Different Types of Shotgun Sights
Shotguns can have bead sights, double bead sights, sights with a ventilated rib line, ghost ring sights, red dot scopes, blade sights, rear notched sights with a front post and magnifying scopes.
Typically, scopes are used when firing rifled slugs because of the extended range. Scopes are for stationary targets because it is very difficult to track a moving target through a scope. The shooter is forced to look up from the scope to use their peripheral vision to help find the target. Bead sights are usually for moving targets because the target can be followed rather easily with the bead. Bladed sights are used for stationary targets such as deer and turkey.
Double beaded sights usually have a ventilated rib running along the length of the barrel. The larger bead is at the end of the muzzle and the smaller bead sight halfway back. Some experts claim that having the two beads and a ventilated rib helps to maintain sight alignment because some shooters tend to look over the top of their sights immediately after depressing the trigger. Forcing the shooter to line up both beads along the rib will keep their cheek welded to the stock. Double beaded sights are used for flying birds and other moving targets.
Red dot scopes may or may not have magnification and the dot is not projected onto the target. The dot is used to line up the target through the scope. There is simply a red dot illuminated inside the scope tube. A red dot sight is for stationary targets.
Rear notched sights or sometimes called “v” sights are lined up with the front post. This ensures the weapon is lined up and once the front post is on target, the trigger is pulled. This type sight helps the shooter maintain their natural point of aim better.
Ghost ring sights can be mounted on tactical shotguns for close combat shooting. The shooter’s sight picture through the ghost ring is more pronounced at short distances. If using shot in your weapon you can adjust the spread to correspond to the sight picture at various ranges. The ghost ring sight is not ideal for moving targets.
Obviously, there is more to shooting than lining up on a target. Different shooting environments require different type sights. You would not use a scope for skeet shooting, or duck hunting because you simply cannot track through a scope. Open sights or beaded sights are ideal for skeet or bird hunting. As with anything, it will take practice and experimentation to find out what works best for you.
The Best Shotgun Sights
Shotguns come with factory installed sights, they are usually very simple but serve their purpose. Usually, you will find bead sight or rifle sights on shotguns. Some shotguns with bead sight also have mid-bead which helps to align bead more accurately when shooting slugs.
You can upgrade factory sights to make them better and easier to use. There are many variants of sights which are suitable for home defense, competitions are fun shooting.
So what sight is the best for your shotgun? It’s not the most expensive one but the one which makes aiming and shooting easier.
Here are several of the most popular aftermarket sights which you can install on your shotgun…
TruGlo Glo-Dot II Clamp on sight
Light gathering, fiber optic shotgun sights for plain barrels
There is inexpensive solution for plain barrel of 12 or 20 gauge barrels. You can get light gathering sight which snaps in place behind factory front bead. It stays in place under recoil and makes aiming much easier even in cloudy weather. The dot shines brightly making it easier to find it and aim on target.
The TRUGLO Glo-Dot II Shotgun Sight is very popular, inexpensive and easy to install:

TRUGLO Glo-Dot II Shotgun Sight for Remington 870
The Truglo Glo Dot II Shotgun Sight will add an easy-to-see glowing front sight dot to your existing shotgun. This dot is created from a fiber optic rod which attaches right onto the shotgun’s barrel. You do not have to be a gunsmith or use the services of a gunsmith to attach this sighting accessory to your weapon. You can just snap the rod onto the barrel and it will be securely in place. The only requirement is that you have a shotgun that is either a 20-gauge or 12-gauge. The make of the shotgun does not matter as long as you meet this requirement.
The diameter of the fiber optic rod is only 0.078 inches, so it will not cover targets on a long distance. The plastic base of the sight has a matte finish and is 2 ½ inches long. The base contains a notch which utilizes the front bead of the barrel to accurately locate the glowing dot along the axis of the bore.
You can purchase the sight to have a glowing dot that is either red or green. They are the same quality and price, but just a different color. Both will work just as effectively when trying to aim in any conditions.
These sights are made for un-ribbed shotgun barrels that are 20-gauge or 12-gauge. And although the sights consist of plastic and polymer materials, they are constructed to be durable enough to sustain harsh environmental conditions, such as weather.
If you’re looking for a better front sight while you’re out in the woods or even trying to defend your property against unwanted intruders, then a small investment for the Truglo Glo-Dot II will go a long way.
The price is only $16.99 at Brownells.
Recommended Product:
Get TRUGLO Glo-Dot II Shotgun Sight on OpticsPlanet |
Williams Gun Sight Shotgun Fire Sight Sets
Light gathering rifle sights which replace factory sights
If you have rifle sights or ghost ring sights on your shotgun then it will be very easy to replace them with aftermarket fiber optic sights.

Light Gathering Rifle Sights for Shotguns
This type of sight is directly replaces factory sights. Williams Gun Sight Fire Sights available for Remington 11-87/1100/870, Mossberg 500, Winchester 1300 and Browning BPS.
There is a bright red dot on the front sight which is visible in all sorts of different lighting conditions. Another piece in the set is a rear sight shaped like a U which has 2 bright green dots. This will help you alight your aim with the front sight, so you can accurately shoot at your target.
Williams Gun Sight Shotgun Fire Sight Sets is machined out of aluminum material and colored in black. The U-notch of the rear sight and the red bead on the front sight contain fiber optics and are easy to see in any environmental conditions. There are instructions included with the sight sets to make installation as easy as possible for you. Please note that you cannot install these sights onto a shotgun barrel that is vent-ribbed. Also, if you’re using a Remington 870, 1100, or 11-87, it needs to have a front sight ramp with a 3/8-inch dovetail.
There are multiple versions of the Williams Gun Sight Shotgun Fire Sight Sets available, based on the make and model of the shotgun. The shotgun versions available for this are the Remington 870, Mossberg 500, Remington 1100, Remington 11-87, Browning BPS, and Winchester 1300. The only requirements for these particular shotguns are they need to have a slug barrel or turkey barrel and they must still have their original factory sights.
You can purchase the fire sights on the Brownells website. The cost of the fire sights for the Remington 870/1100/11-87 model is $24.99. It is a multi-colored sight of both red and green. The fire sights for the Winchester 1300 shotgun costs $28.99 but the sight color only comes in red. Another version of the fire sights that only come in red is for the Mossberg 500. These sights cost $27.99. Finally, the fire sights of the Browning BPS come in red too and they cost $45.00.
All Williams Gun Sight Shotgun Fire Sight Sets are manufactured in the United States to ensure they’re top quality.
No gunsmithing required, installation takes just 5-10 minutes. Very good choice for hunting and competitions.
Remington 870 Ghost Ring Firesight Set
The Easiest and the Cheapest Way to Try Ghost Ring Sights on Your Remington 870
This advice is only for Remington 870 shotguns with factory rifle sights.
The only ghost ring sights which can replace factory sights on Remington 870 are Remington Ghost Ring Firesight Set from Williams Gun Sight Company, Inc. One of the other advantages of these sights is that they have light gathering elements (fiber optic dots) which make them even easier to use.
The price of this set is just $25.99
Remington 870 Ghost Ring Firesight Set Installation
Installation is very easy and takes just 15 minutes. You will need just small screwdriver to install the rear sight and a hammer to install the front sight.
These sights simply replace factory sights. Hit the front sight several times to push it out, and then install Williams Fire Sight.
Unscrew the rear sight screw, remove factory sight and install Williams Fire Sight.
Recommended Product:
Get Williams Gun Sight Fire Sights on OpticsPlanet |
Light gathering, fiber optic shotgun sights for vent rib barrels
It would be even easier to install a light gathering sight on a vented rib shotgun barrel. There are so many sights available.
There are two several types of sights for vent rib barrels. You can install rifle sights, bead sight or rod sight which is longer and has fiber optic insert.
You can choose one of the many sights available. Some of them are attached using screw, some of them attached using just two-sided adhesive tape or even magnets. All ways are good and reliable.
Light gathering sights are used by most competitive shooters a hunters.
Hiviz Shotgun CompSight, Front Sight with 8 Pipes and Carrying Case
This is one of the best sights for vented rib barrels. The Hiviz Shotgun CompSight will work on the Remington 870 and many other shotguns like the Benelli Supernova or Benelli M2.
This is one of the best sights for vented rib barrels. The Hiviz Shotgun CompSight will work on the Remington 870 and many other shotguns like the Benelli Supernova or Benelli M2.
It is basically a light gathering stick that replaces your bead in order to make it easier for you to aim. It provides maximum brightness in all kinds of environments and has been tested for durability.
The Hiviz Shotgun CompSight is a fiber optic sight designed to go on the front of vent ribbed barrels which have front beads that you can remove. The installation is very simple if the sight isn’t depressed. All you must do is remove the bead and replace it with the CompSight. The result will be a bright glowing stick that will make it very easy to aim at your targets. It is a unique shotgun sight design which features 8 “LitePipes” that come in white, green, and red colors. The sight is one inch long and its base is a ¼ inch wide. Other features included are 5 threads that screw in and a carrying case with key. The screw in threads comes in various sizes including 2.5mm x .45mm, 3mm x .6mm and 3mm x .5mm.

Hiviz Shotgun CompSight Front Sight with 8 Pipes and Carrying Case
The carrying case is very useful and holds 8 pipes and a key. That way, you can have interchangeable light pipes of all sizes and illumination levels with you and then be able to change them when needed.
I still experiment with different pipes’ sizes and colors. I think that big pipes will be good for birdshot/buckshot but smaller ones are better for shooting slugs. Big light pipes cover targets completely at longer distances which make it difficult to shoot them.

Carrying Case for 8 Hiviz Pipes and Key
The CompSight should also be compatible with most shotguns. Some shotguns may require more fitting than others. So, if you find it difficult to install the CompSight on your own then have a gunsmith do it for you.
The HiViz CompSight is used by Benelli M2 and Benelli Supernova shooters without any problems.
The Hiviz Shotgun CompSight is a highly recommended upgrade for vented rib barrels. It is more expensive than other light gathering sights because you receive a set of 8 light gathering pipes.

HiViz Compsight
Recommended Product:
Get HiViz Compsight from OpticsPlanet |
Champion EasyHit Fiber Optic Sights for Shotguns (Review)
EasyHit light gathering sight has a lot of positive feedback about it. Champion EasyHit can be attached to Remington 870, Benelli Supernova or any other shotgun which has vent rib.
Good sight is extremely important because you use it every time you shoulder a shotgun. There are a lot of sights you can choose for the vented rib barrel. There are magnetic sights, and sights that you attach using a screw or adhesive strip.
The HiViz Compsight is extremely good until you hit something with it. If this happens, it can turn 90 degrees and then you will have to fix it. It is held in place with just one screw which is not enough. You need to use an adhesive strip by 3M to attach it to the rail properly.

EasyHit Fiberoptic Bead 3M Adhesive Strip
The Champion EasyHit bead is glued to the vent rib and doesn’t allow for changing the light pipes but it does make it more reliable. It simply doesn’t have parts that can break. For example, the spring which holds the light pipes onto the HiViz Compsight was broken after two years of use.
You can get EasyHit Fiber Optic Sights of different lengths and diameters. I recommend having a 2.5 mm or 3 mm diameter front sight if you are a competitive shooter which participates in Practical Shotgun matches. If you buy a front sight of a larger diameter, it would be difficult to aim at targets on distances further than 50 meters (55 yards).
I tested other light gathering beads, for example, the HiViz M300 Magnetic Sight, and it was too big (.170″ – 4.3mm diameter sighting dot) for shooting slugs at longer distances.
Installation is very simple. The 3M adhesive strip is already attached and all you need to do is wipe the rib with an alcohol pad, then remove the protective film and attach the Champion EasyHit front sight.
Which one should you choose? I like green sights, but it’s just a personal preference. The red EasyHit sights are as good as the green ones. The longer the sight, the more light it gathers and the brighter the dot will be that you see. That is why I chose the 5″ (12 centimeters) sight.
The Champion EasyHit shotgun front sight is good for practical shooting, sporting clays, hunting, trap shooting, and skeet shooting.
The only disadvantage I’ve heard about this bead is that it is too bright. But I cannot really call that a disadvantage. This just means that you can effectively use it under low light conditions such as early in the morning or late in the evening. However, you can’t use it during the night obviously.
The Champion EasyHit enables the shooter to shoot a shotgun with both eyes open. It makes shooting much more comfortable and it is a big improvement over standard sights that require one eye closed. Usually, shotguns come with small plastic or metal beads which are difficult to see, especially in a low light environment. That is why I recommend installing a light gathering front sight.

Champion EasyHit Fiber Optic Sights for Shotguns
This fiber optic sight is highly recommended. It is very long and gathers light effectively. Many shooters from our Shooting Club have been using EasyHit sights for years without any problems. One of the things that many shooters are skeptical about is the way it is attached to a shotgun. Some think that the adhesive strip is not enough. But it holds perfectly under recoil and heat and stays in place for years. You can be sure that it will stay in place for thousands and thousands of rounds and many years to come.
Champion EasyHit Fiber Optic Sights for Shotguns costs just about $20 but they are as good as the more expensive beads. That is why I recommend it to you without any hesitation.
Just remember that good or expensive sights cannot make you a great shooter. Of course, it is easier to shoot with good upgrades, accessories, and equipment but only the time you spend on dry-fire and live-fire drills can make you a great shooter.
Recommended Product:
Get Fiber Optic Rod Sights on OpticsPlanet |
HiViz Magni-Hunter Magnetic Sight for Remington 870 with Vent Rib
Magnetic shotgun sights are becoming very popular amongst competitive shooters and hunters. They help shooters aim their targets properly and accurately, especially if the environment is dim or dark. The HiViz Magni-Hunter is one of the top shotgun sights on the market today. For one thing, it is a magnetic front sight that utilizes Magni-Optics which allows it to attach to virtually any shotgun that is vent-ribbed. Some popular brands that have vent-ribbed shotguns include Remington, Benelli, Browning, Beretta, Ruge, Charles Daly, Franchi, and Verona. The make and model of the shotgun don’t really matter as long as the vent ribs meet certain size requirements. The ventilated ribs of the shotgun need to be between from .230″ to .330″ for MGH2007-I and between .3555 inches and .440 inches for MGH2007-II, in order for this magnetic front sight to fit properly. You’ll find that most of the models from those brands have vent ribs which meet this size requirement.
I have MGH2007-I Magnetic Base Sight, .230″ to .330″ which fits Remington 870 vented rib perfectly. There are two bases in bundle, you need to choose the one that fits your vent rib. It stays in place even under heavy recoil and numerous shots.

HiViz Magnetic Sight, Magni Hunter
The HiViz Magni-Hunter comes with 2 red LitePipes and 2 green LitePipes. These fiber optic lights utilize the light of the environment by allowing it into the LitePipes. This technology enables the sighting to be visible in both dim lit and bright light environments. If you are using this accessory to assist with your hunting activities, then it will surely come in handy because you’ll likely be outside in the early morning all the way until nighttime. That way, you can always maintain your accuracy outside no matter what time of the day it is. Some people even use this sight at the shooting range for long distance shooting too. You might want to try the sight out there first before taking it onto the field just so you can get some practice with it.
One of the advantages is that you can shoot with both eyes open. It is possible with other sights but HiViz Magni-Hunter makes aiming with both eyes easier.
This sight looks like a very good choice for competitive shooters. This front sight is little bigger than Champion EasyHit Fiber Optic Sights for Shotguns but still smaller than many other sights.
It comes with a nice rubber box where you can store light pipes:

HiViz Magnetic Sight, Magni Hunter, Case
The HiViz Magni-Hunter can be purchased online. The retail cost is currently $34.95 and you can choose between two sizes. The installation should be easy because of the magnetic attachment capability of the sight. But just in case you are still concerned about whether or not you can do it, the sight comes with instructions that will walk you through the process. It is a very simple process that shouldn’t take more than a couple of minutes. One thing is for sure, you won’t need to go to a gunsmith for this installation because it is that easy to do yourself.
It has 4 magnets that hold sight in place. And you will be surprised how strong they are:

HiViz Magnetic Sight for Shotguns
There are many variations of the HiViz magnetic sights for shotguns. The are avaialble not only for Remington but also for Mossberg, Benelli, Beretta, Browning, Ruger etc.
Recommended Product:
Get Magnetic Sights for Shotguns on OpticsPlanet |
HiViz Magnetic M300 Shotgun Front Sight for Vented Rib Barrels
Another good sight from HiViz. This is magnetic base sight which is easy to install on ventilated rib barrel. It doesn’t move under heavy 12 gauge recoil.
There are pipes of different diameters, so you can choose the one that you like.
It can be installed on any shotgun (there are different versions for different ribs). The best thing is that there is no need to unscrew the existing sight, you can just attach the HiViz magnetic sight together with the factory sight.

HiViz Magnetic M300 Shotgun Front Sight for Vented Rib Barrels

HiViz Magnetic M300 Shotgun Front Sight for Vented Rib Barrels
Recommended Product:
Get HiViz Magnetic Shotgun Sights on OpticsPlanet |
Williams Gun Sight’s Universal Slugger Sight
Light gathering, fiber optic rifle sights for vent rib barrels
You can even have rifle sight on vent rib shotgun. Williams Universal Slugger Sight can be attached directly to vented rib:

Light Gathering Rifle Sights Vent Rib Shotgun
The Williams Gun Sight’s Universal Slugger Sight is compatible with all shotgun models, which is why it’s called “universal.” The only requirement is that the shotgun barrel is vent-ribbed because this is the only way the Universal Slugger Sight can be attached. The purpose of this sight is so you can equip a ribbed shotgun with rifle-style sighting. Some like to call this as converting a ribbed shotgun into a slug shotgun.
The great thing about the Universal Slugger is that you can use your favorite shotgun with it and are not restricted to just a few models that you don’t care for. It only takes a few minutes to add the Universal Slugger to your shotgun and once you do, it won’t take long for you to notice how much better your accuracy is. Installing the Universal Slugger just requires you to clamp it onto the vent-rib, making it fast and easy to either install or remove. The Universal Slugger is also adjustable for the elevation and windage.
There are two pieces included with this set. The first piece is a front sight which features a glowing red dot that can be seen in most environmental lighting conditions. Of course, the more light that exists in the environment, the brighter the red dot will be. The second piece is the rear blade that has a U-notch to it. There is a glowing green rod on both sides of the U-notch which allows the shooter to have increased precision and accuracy with their aimed shots.
The Universal Slugger is machined out of aluminum and has a black matte finish. The red dot on the front sight and the green rods of the rear blade are made of optical fiber. The sight set comes with installation instructions and even a wrench to assist with it. On the Brownells website, the cost to purchase this set is only $31.99. Since it was made in the United States, it is easy to assume that you will be very satisfied with this particular sight set.
Very interesting sights for those shooters which want to have rifle sights for more precise shots. They are especially good for slugs.
Recommended Product:
Williams Universal Slugger Sight on Amazon |
Ghost Ring Sights for Remington 870 From Spitfire Armory
Ghost ring sights are basically thin iron rings that are installed on top of most submachine guns and combat shotguns. There are no optical or laser sights used in this case. It is just a ring that the shooter looks through in order to align their target through the middle of the ring. There is also a thick post in front of the ring so you can aim at your target more precisely.
Ghost rings are the perfect sights to have if you want to remain discrete in your targeting. It is truly a clever way to attack your target by surprise, which comes in handy when hunting or in war type situations.
Ghost rings might seem like a primitive invention, but it is actually a more recent innovation because of its discretion and affordability. If you shop online or at your favorite gun store then you can purchase ghost rings for less than $150. Most ghost rings for shotguns are between $100 and $150. Just make sure you purchase the ghost ring that is compatible with your particular type of firearm because they are all made for different models. Any experienced gun owner should know how to install them, but if you are a novice then your local gun shop should offer a ghost ring installation service.
JBall posted very interesting photos of new ghost ring sights for Remington 870 on Remington 870 forum:

Ghost Ring Sights for Remington 870 From Spitfire Armory

Ghost Ring Sights for Remington 870 From Spitfire Armory

Ghost Ring Sights for Remington 870 From Spitfire Armory
Tritium Sights (Night Sights) for Shotguns
What is Tritium night sight?
If you are someone who wants to have better shooting sight with your shotgun at nighttime, then Tritium night sights are what you’ll want to install onto it. These particular sights have the ability to illuminate on their own by relying on a small amount of tritium gas that glows. This glowing gas creates a bright dot which you can see in dark or dim areas. The tritium gas should be able to last you for 10-12 years before you have to replace it. Tritium night sights are the opposite of fiber optic sights, which are helpful for aiming in the daylight. The night sight can replace the current front sight of your weapon and give it a focusing ability that it didn’t have before.
One of the biggest benefits of having a tritium night sight for your shotgun is that you don’t have to use batteries with it. This will save you a lot of money if you frequently go shooting at night. Other kinds of sights, like red dot sights, cost people a lot of money each year in batteries alone. Plus, they need to be switched on when you want to use them and the tritium night sights glow all the time. Tritium night sights do not require any light exposure and their exterior is durable enough to sustain many harsh environmental conditions. Most of the tritium night sights are made in the United States by American gun parts manufacturers. So, you can be sure you’re getting the very best sight possible.

The tritium-illuminated fixed sights of the Five-seveN USG pistol, in normal lighting and dim lighting. Photo by ROG5728 (

Tritium Night Sights on Remington 870 Shotgun
Why you need night sight on your shotgun?
If you go shooting at nighttime with your shotgun, then it will be a big challenge to see which direction you’re shooting at. Fortunately, there are night sight accessories that you can attach to your shotgun so you can see where you’re pointing your weapon. Now some people might complain that you still can’t see your target in the dark with a night sight. However, what it does allow you to do is aim your weapon in the dark because the night sight will emit a small green light from the tritium gas inside of it. So, for example, if an intruder were to break into your home and cut the power in the house, you’d still be able to aim your weapon with the night sight on it. Remember it is not powered by batteries so the light will always stay on. Just make sure you keep the night sight attached to your shotgun at all times and you will be able to aim it whenever you need it.
Night sights are very small attachments that can go on the front or rear of your shotgun. They are also very lightweight so it won’t make your shotgun any heavier when you’re carrying it around. All this convenience makes it easy to add on other attachments to your shotgun, such as a tactical flashlight. With the night sight and flashlight on your shotgun, you would be able to both see your target and aim precisely at it. Night sight it can be seen in both darkness and daylight environments.
If economics is a factor in your decision to purchase a shotgun accessory, then rest assured that the tritium night sight will not break the bank for you. The average tritium night sight costs anywhere from $40 to $100. That is considered to be very cheap as far as sight accessories go. Best of all, they are easy to attach to your shotgun and won’t require you to go to a gunsmith or learn any special skills with firearm assembly. But just in case you still have problems, the sights come with instructions that are easy to understand.
Meprolight Shotgun Night Sights for Benelli, Remington 870 and Mossberg 500/590

Meprolight Shotgun Tritium Night Sights
The Meprolight Tru-Dot Sight Set replaces factory Remington 870 rifle sights. This is one of the best solutions for adding night sights to your Remington 870, Remington 1100, or Remington 11-87 shotgun. These night sights use tritium gas to create a bright green dot that can be seen in darkness. But what makes the Meprolight particularly special is its brightness level. When compared to other standard tritium night sights on the market, the Meprolight shotgun night sight is 20% brighter. This will make it much easier for you to aim weapon in the dark. Also, don’t worry about running the lights with oils or solvents because the light tubes inside of the casing are sealed tight through a special bonding process that is patented by Meprolight. This bonding process involves the use of blue steel, which ensures that the night sight can sustain tough environments without any risk of damage to it.
The Meprolight night sights are sold in a set of two. One night sight attaches to the front sight area of your shotgun while the other night sight attaches to the back as a rear sight. You will notice right away that the light of the front sight dot is a little bit brighter than the light of the rear sight dot. This is how the shooter will be able to focus and aim at their target effectively. All Meprolight Tru-Dot night sights can be purchased with a 10-year warranty on its illumination ability. This means if the illuminating light of the night sight stops working within the 10-year period after you purchase it, then you can get it replaced for free by the manufacturer.
The Meprolight Tru-Dot night sight is priced at around $101. This is a little bit more expensive than the average tritium night sight but it is well worth the money. The night sight is compatible with three different models of the Remington shotgun. Plus, it will also fit multiple versions of each model as well. Just make sure that you have barrel with rifle sights. For example, if you own a Remington 870 Magnum Express or a Remington 870 Tactical, the Meprolight night sights can attach to either one of these weapons. All you have to do is make sure it is a Remington 870, Remington 1100, or Remington 11-87. Best of all, the attachment process can be done within minutes and you don’t need any experience to do it either. You can read the instructions quickly and learn everything you need to know from there.
Recommended Product:
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Get Remington 870, 1100, 11-87 Night Sights on Brownells |
XS Sight Systems – Remington Shotgun Tactical Ghost Ring Sight Set

XS Sight Systems – Remington Shotgun Tactical Ghost Ring Sight Set
The Remington shotgun tactical ghost ring sight set by XS Sight Systems is the perfect solution for converting the front sights on your Remington shotgun into ones that will let you see in the dark or in low lit environments. This set contains banded front sights and a ghost ring rear that will surely give a tactical upgrade to your existing front sights. This ghost ring sight set is compatible with the Remington 11-87, Remington 1100 and Remington 870 shotgun. It is very easy to install and can be done in a matter of minutes. The sight set comes with shims which allow the clamps of the barrel band to firmly fit on the muzzle and secure the sight in place. By doing this, the sights will be able to handle the impact of the heavy recoil that comes from firing the weapon. Instructions are included with the ghost ring set in case you have any questions about the installation process.
The sight itself emits a green dot which is generated from the tritium that exists inside it. A thin white ring surrounds the green dot so you can easily see it both night and day. There are also steel side wings on the sights which protect its front blade from any accidental damage that may occur. Sometimes people will drop their shotgun or bang it into something accidentally, causing unforeseen damage to their accessories. Fortunately, you won’t have to worry about that with this ghost ring sight set because it is durable enough to sustain all kinds of heavy impact. That is why it is a tactical-grade sight. In addition, there is a rear sight base that comes with this set and it can fit onto the shotgun’s receiver. However, you will need to do some drilling and tapping for this installation to be successful. If you are not comfortable performing these actions on your shotgun, then it may be better to have a gunsmith or an experienced professional do this for you.
The cost of the Remington shotgun tactical ghost ring set is $166.50. If you are just interested in purchasing the banded front sight only, then you only have to pay $81. Someone who is a beginner will probably just want the front sight because it is easier to install. But if you are more experienced and want the full benefits of this ghost ring sight, then choose the full set and see what it can really do for you.
Recommended Product:
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Get XS Sight Systems – Remington Shotgun Tactical Ghost Ring Sight Set on OpticsPlanet |
Ameriglo (Trijicon) Tritium Night Sights for Remington 870 Shotgun
This set of night sights for Remington 870 is manufactured by Ameriglo. They use tritium elements from Trijicon in their sights.
This set is very sturdy and well made. I have tested them in day light and they were very good and easy to use. Of course they don’t glow in the daylight as light gathering sights but easily identifiable thanks to the white ring around tritium tubes. Also, Ameriglo sights glow in the dark thanks to the tritium elements (which will be glowing for 12 years). You can choose several colors for your sights, I have front dot of the green color and yellow dots on the back sight. You can choose all green elements if you want. These sights are little higher than standard ones but I like it.
Installation was very easy and took just 15-20 minutes.

Ameriglo Trijicon Night Sights

Ameriglo Trijicon Tritium Night Sights
The only disadvantage of this set is a high price of $99. But if you want to have tritiums sights for your Remington 870 I recommend this set.
They can be purchased on OpticsPlanet here.
XS Sight Systems – Shotgun Big Dot Tritium Front Sight

XS Remington 870 Pedestal Big Dot Tritium Sight

Remington 870 with XS Remington 870 Pedestal Big Dot Tritium Sight
The Shotgun Big Dot Tritium Front Sight by XS Sight Systems is a tritium based front sight for your Remington 870 shotgun. It can easily be installed right over the front bead sight which came with the weapon. The tritium produces a green dot on your front sight with a large white ring that surrounds it. This will improve the focus of your target and will make it much easier for the shooter to see in the dark or in low light environments. But even if you happen to be in the daylight or some bright room, you will still be able to see the large white ring that surrounds tritium element. The best part is that it is self-illuminating and you will never have to worry about buying batteries for it.
To install this tritium front sight attachment, the front sight beads on your shotgun need to have a diameter from .125 inches to .140 inches. You will also need an epoxy to install the sight. Brownells Acraglas Gel would be perfect for this. After you fill the cavity, place the sight over the front sight bead and press down until it fully cures. If the existing bead on your weapon is too big or too small, replace it with one which matches the diameter size that was just mentioned. You may even have to do some drilling and tapping on certain shotgun barrels.
There are three versions of the Shotgun Big Dot Tritium Front Sight that you can choose from. The Remington Pedestal version can fit onto the barrels of any Remington shotgun that have a front sight pedestal. The cost of the Remington Pedestal is $58.50 and the sight color is green tritium with white ring. The Vent Rib front sight version can fit on the barrels of any shotgun that have ventilated ribs. This one also costs $58.50 and has a green color tritium element with white color ring. The Plain Barrel front sight version can fit on the shotguns that have round barrels to them. Same price and color sight as the previous two.
The Shotgun Big Dot Tritium Front Sight is easy to install as long as you pay attention to the front bead sizes. Make sure you follow the instructions if you have any doubts about what you’re doing during the installation process.
Related post: Installation of the XS Remington 870 Pedestal Big Dot Tritium Sight
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XS Remington 870 Pedestal Big Dot Tritium Sight | |
Brownells Acraglas Gel |
Sight with Both Tritium and Light Gathering Inserts
If you want to have the all-purpose sight for your shotgun then the best sight is the one which you can use both night and day.

TruGlo Brite-Site with both Tritium and Fiber Optic

Remington 870 Extension, Sight and Magazine Clamp with Sling Swivel
Advanced Tritium Fiber Optic technology combines glow-in-the-dark tritium with a bright, fiber optic rod to keep you on target during all lighting conditions. Highly visible, 3/16″ diameter green dot ensures quick sight acquisition. Heavy duty, precision-machined aluminum base with protective wrap-around cage prevents damage and snagging. Mounts to barrel with included 6-48 tpi screws that hold tight under the heaviest recoil. Hardcoat anodized for durability. Not designed for ventilated rib barrels; gunsmith installation recommended.
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Get TruGlo Brite-Site with Tritium/Fiber Optic on Brownells |
The Remington Track-Lock Ghost Ring Front Sight by Scattergun Technology is one of the best sight attachments you can ever put on your shotgun. What makes this sight particularly special is that its light source comes from tritium gas rather than from a battery, laser, or bulb. This tritium sight is self-illuminating so you never have to worry about turning it on or off. That way, the light can always be seen in the dark no matter if the gun is in your possession or not. This makes it perfect for virtually any type of use. You will benefit from having this front sight no matter if you’re a hunter, law enforcement officer, military officer, competitive shooter, or recreational shooter.
The Track-Lock Ghost Ring is compatible with the Remington 870, Remington 11-87, and Remington 1100 shotgun. It is made to be a front sight attachment for your Remington shotgun, which is far superior to the standard OEM front sight that comes with your weapon. Just make sure you have a 12-gauge shotgun because it can only fit on barrels with this gauge. There is no epoxy accessory that comes with this sight either, so you have to purchase them separately. This is the only downside though because everything else about this front sight is great. Not only is it easy to install onto the shotgun, but it is aesthetically pleasing to the eye and totally safe to use.
Scattergun Technology makes all their Remington Track-Lock Ghost Ring Front Sights in the United States of America. This can reassure Remington owners that they’re putting a quality front sight attachment onto their shotgun and not some knock off made in China. The price of this authentic tritium front sight with standard rear sight is $119.99. Tritium fron sight with tritium rear sight set is $149.99. You can find it for sale at almost any sporting goods website or retail store that sells gun parts. It currently only comes in a black color, but that should be fine because most Remington barrels are also black and they will blend together perfectly.
The Track-Lock Ghost Ring comes with instructions on how to install it to your shotgun as a front sight. It is very easy to do and you don’t need to be a gunsmith to figure it out. After you install it, you won’t ever want to take it off because it makes aiming at your target so much easier to do.
Sights Installation
Eros from Italy have installed SCATTERGUN TECHNOLOGIES™ TRAK-LOCK® Ghost Ring Sight System on his Remington 870. You will find out how to install Scattergun Technologies ghost ring sights and what advantages they give you.
Please note that installation of the SCATTERGUN TECHNOLOGIES Ghost ring night sights requires receiver drilling and tapping.

Remington 870 Scattergun Technologies Front Sight

Remington 870 Scattergun Technologies Rear Sight
From Eros:
First of all I want to say a big “thanks” to all members of my team: my friend Omar and his good dog Zeus and to Marianna for the coffee.
Double check that your gun is completely unloaded and clear from any barrel flags or dummy shells, or any sort of ammunition. I am not a professional gunsmith so don’t try to do this if you’re not sure that you will be able to follow the instructions or if you don’t have needed skills. I am not responsible for any damage you will do to you or to your gun.
The track-lock tritium combat sights kit from Wilson Combat contains a little plastic bag of epoxy glue
for the front sight, two 6/40 inch screws for the receiver (you need to tap and drill the reicever completely) and the allen wrench to fix them, but there’s no pin to cross-pin the front sight.
If you would like to mount the front sight in that way you need an extra 2mm pin that you will have to buy yourself.
I drilled the front pedestal where the bead was placed (need to remove it completely) and the front sight (2mm hole), then i degreased and grinded the surface of the pedestal. I have mixed the Loctite Fixmaster (1 part of hardener and 4 parts of resin) and then I put all parts togheter and crosspinned the front sight.

Front Sight Drilling Preparation (bead removed)

Front Sight Drilling

Bead Removed and Front Sight Drilled
After that I can say that the process isn’t as simple as it seems because you need a patience to do that kind of job. Believe me, you will find some trouble and much more than you can imagine doing a modification like this one.
You have to plan the process carefully.

Remington 870 Receiver Drilling

Remington 870 Receiver Drilling
For example I have broken a tap (6/40 of inch UNF tap which is used for Scattergun rear sight) inside the hole on the remington reiceiver (about a 2,7 mm hole on the rear sight mounting point).The Remington 870 receiver it is machined from a thick and strong steel block. You’ll need a good drill and a drill press to do that and buy a good kit of 6/40 inch tap. This will help you for sure, believe me, guys.
Another trouble was that the glue inside the Scattergun sights kit was unusable because it was damaged. I asked some help by email to Wilson Combat and a guy replied to me promptly. Scott from Wilson Combat said that, if I wasn’t located in Italy, he could send me another glue kit for free, but due to the country restriction he couldn’t. He helped me to find out a replacement for the epoxy and we found that the Loctite Fixmaster is similar and works perfect. It is a a good replacement of epoxy in such situation.

Remington 870 Receiver Tapping

Remington 870 Receiver Tapping

Scattergun Technologies Ghost Ring Rear Sight Installation
At the end of the process you will see the final result…I hope you like it and that it will help someone around the web…

Scattergun Technologies Ghost Ring Sights
Recommended Product:
Get Scattergun Trak-Lock Ghost Ring Sight Set on OpticsPlanet here!
Red Dot (Holographic Sights) on Shotguns

Remington 870 with Aimpoint Red Dot on Mesa Tactical Sidesaddle with Rail
Holographic sights on shotguns are pretty popular nowadays.
Read more about them in following articles:
How to Mount a Red Dot Scope to a Shotgun
6 Best Red Dot (Reflex, Holographic) Sights for Shotgun
Remington 870 Shotgun with Tru-Glo Sights
After 20 years of my Remington 870 express excellent operation, last year I decided to make some upgrades and transform my beautiful hunting shotgun to a “wild” tactical weapon.

Remington 870
Spending a few days searching for Remington 870 upgrades finally I decided to proceed with the following parts:
MESA TACTICAL SureShell Shotshell Carrier (6 shells)
FAB AGR-870 + GLR16-S Pistol Grip & Collapsible Buttstock
MAGPUL Angled Fore-Grip
TRUGLO Fiber Optic sights
Magazine extension (6 rounds)

Mesa Tactical Sureshell Sidesaddle
Mesa Tactical SureShell Shotshell Carrier holds 6 shells and is made from aluminum which is hard anodized for non glare finish. Installation was quite easy, just two pins needed (replaced the original). Another good feature is the small gap in the Mesa Tactical SureShell Shotshell Carrier where the serial number is visible. Usage though need sometime for the internal rubber to be smoother for easy shell loading and unloading.
Fab’s Pistol Grip installation is relative easy if you have the specialized tool to tighten up the “strange” bolt.
The whole construction is very good and is made from quality reinforced polymer that looks it will last forever, buttstock’s pad is hard rubber without absorbing the recoil shock (there is another model with absorbing buttstock). Also very nice to have is the hole for the one point tactical sling which is installed and removed very fast (with just a click).

FAB Defense Pistol Grip Adjustable Stock
Forend comes from Fab and although the polymer is not soft is quite comfort. There three picatinny rails (bottom and sides) where you can mount various accessories like laser point or flashlight, in the bottom picatinny I have Magpul’s angled fore-grip which makes the grip more steady and reduces fatigue.

FAB Defense Forend with Magpul AFG
There is a local law that prohibits laser sights so my only solution was to find sights that mount on barrel’s ventilated rib, concluded to Truglo Fiber Optic sights with multicolor optics (red in front and green in the rear), which are adjustable to width and height and very easy to install.

Remington 870 TruGlo Fiberoptic Sight

Remington 870 TruGlo Fiberoptic Sight
Finally the must have magazine extension which has the capacity of 6 shells and is local made.
To answer the question if all these upgrades worth the money and effort, absolutely yes, Remington 870 is a new shotgun now, more comfortable, easier to operate and more accurate while shooting.

Remington 870 Magazine Extension
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XS Sights Shotrail with a Picatinny Rail
Very good and reliable ghost ring sight with rail. Requires drilling and tapping for the installation:

XS Sights Shotrail with a Picatinny Rail

XS Sights Shotrail with a Picatinny Rail
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![]() |
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TRUGLO Glo-Dot II Shotgun Sight for Remington 870
The Remington 870 is one of the most popular pump action shotguns on the market today. Many avid Remington 870 shotgun owners like to purchase front sights which make it easier for them to shoot and hit their target with the weapon. A front sight attachment is a very nice accessory for the Remington 870 with factory bead sight. The hardest thing is choosing the right one that suits your needs. There are virtually dozens of sight brands on the market but many of them are not worthy of being attached to the Remington name. However, the TRUGLO Glo-Dot II Shotgun Sight is one exception to this because it produces a highly visible light that is bright enough to see at any time of the day. Not only that, but you can get the sighting in either a red color or green color as well.

TRUGLO Glo-Dot II Shotgun Sight for Remington 870
The TruGlo Glo-Dot II Shotgun Sight contains a fiber optic rod that produces the bright attractive light. Don’t worry if you’re not an expert with firearms because installing the fiber optic rod onto the shotgun is a simple task. There is no screwing or bolting required for this installation either. All you do is take the fiber optic sight and snap it right onto the barrel behind the front bead. You’ll know when the rod is on the barrel properly after it snaps into place. As long as you have a 20-gauge or 12-gauge Remington 870 shotgun, then you can perform this simple installation of the sight.
The TruGlo Glo-Dot II Shotgun Sight is priced at $16.99 and you can purchase it from many sporting goods stores, including You’ll have a choice between the green sight version and the red sight version. Both versions are of equal quality and they will both be highly visible even in the morning and evening. This makes it very convenient for a couple of reasons. You will be able to aim faster and easier. At only $16.99, this will be the best investment into an accessory that you will ever purchase for your Remington 870 shotgun.
Recommended Product:
Get TRUGLO Glo-Dot II Shotgun Sight on OpticsPlanet |
what iron sight do you suggest for a R870 with saddle rail and bead as front sight? I would prefer a simple solution, but I am afraid, with the rail attaches I can‘t use those low profile front sights, right?
I am perplexed after scanning this article. I am considering ordering shotgun to add to my SHTF self-defense preparations and am trying to decide which kind of sights I should get that would be best suited
for home defense (close range shooting) and also suited for outside the home, if I am force to travel and
evacuate my residence due to an explosion of gang warfare. I would also want to select sights that would allow me to use the shotgun for hunting small game, such as rabbits, squirrels, and the like.
I am leaning towards ghost sights, but would like to get some advice on that based on the different scenarios I just cited.
Cody, IMO, spend your money on the correct ammo, a sling and perhaps an extra ammo device, say a receiver saddle shell holder or magazine extension. Go shooting and get used to shotgun behavior. I’m not insinuating you have never used one before, but people get caught up in buying extra crap they don’t need because it’s cool looking. A bead on the front and the scatter behavior of shotguns in general will give you the results you are looking for in any of your scenarios( with the correct ammo for the scenario) and while new sights and other accessories look cool, none of them will enhance the performance of your shotgun. A couple buzz words in the gun world are ” tactical” and “enhanced” and usually neither do anything but make your wallet lighter. These items here are good for “bling” and again in my opinion are a waste of money.
Cody, or whoever, (old question I know) the ancients put a bead sight on shotguns for a reason, they WORK. At the distances you will want a shotgun for regardless of the ammo, it’s really your best bet. You can usually get a slightly larger or different color bead if you want, as they usually just screw in to the front sight base or directly in the barrel. Ghost ring sights are a great choice for rifles and carbines (AR back up or standard iron sights use them as do many others (Mini-14, M1A, etc) but they can be tough to use on a moving target even if they are more precise. As another person said, most of the upgrades are designed to lighten your wallet, more than enhance your weapon. Stick to upgrades that can be reversed, and that enhance the function and reliability of your gun, and learn to shoot it. Shotguns have been successfully used with bead sights (for short range = under 100 yards) for a LONG time.