Shotgun Chokes Explained (Cylinder, Improved Cylinder, Modified, Full)
What is the purpose of a choke in a shotgun?
The choke in a shotgun is designed to shape how the shot spreads after you pull the trigger. That way you can gain more accuracy with your shots as well as better range. The choke is placed in the bore of the shotgun barrel, which is at the muzzle end. There are a two ways a choke gets installed into a shotgun. The screw-in chokes, which are easily replaceable and there are also fixed chokes that integrated into the shotgun barrel so that it is a part of the bore without being replaceable. So which ones are the best to use? Both are acceptable.

Choke Installed
You have to understand that a lot of science and mathematics are involved in creating the perfect choke for a shotgun. There are so many factors that go into making good chokes such as the length of the shotgun barrel, the material of the choke, the geometry of the choke, and the finish of the choke.
Now let’s look at different types of chokes. The four main chokes include cylinder, improved cylinder, modified, and full. The cylinder-type choke is basically another way of saying open choke, which allows your shots to spread more openly at a greater diameter. If you want your shots to be more precise with better accuracy then you’ll want a full choke to create a restrictive shot. Full chokes are desirable amongst those who like long distance shooting. But if you are only concerned about up close shooting then the cylinder choke will be fine. Some people like to be closer to their target when they destroy it. With a shotgun, you will definitely destroy your target completely at close range. You can use a full choke at close range as well, but you have to be more precise with your aim.
The choke you end up choosing depends on the specific needs you have for your shotgun. If you are a hunter who likes a challenge then you’ll want a full choke to shoot your prey from far away. On the other hand, if you are only using a shotgun for self defense purposes then an open choke will be fine.
Choke is a constriction
Many shooters are puzzled with Remington shotgun chokes. Choke is a tapered constriction of the gun barrel’s bore at the muzzle end. Some of the shotguns has fixed chokes, some of them can be equipped with a choke. The exit end of the choke is smaller by some dimension than the actual bore of the barrel. Chokes tighten the pattern and enable you to shoot on further distances which is useful for trap or hunting. It is recommended to use Cylinder or Imroved Cylinder for home defense. Shotgun chokes used for slugs are usually Cylinder or Imroved Cylinder too.
Remember that all chokes are different. You cannot install Remington choke on Mossberg shotgun or Ruger choke on Browning shotgun. Some of the Benelli and Beretta chokes are interchangeable but you need to check if it’s true for your particular shotgun.
Choke tube chart
Following illustration shows the difference between chokes and how they control the pattern:

Shotgun Choke Types
Remember, choke is located on the end of the barrel, so if you had a Modified choke, for example, and cut the barrel, you have the Cylinder choke now because choke was cut out.
The purpose is to decrease the spread of the shot in order to gain better range and accuracy. Shotgun choke patterns are different and you need to test them.
Blown-Out Shotgun Choke Tube
Always check choke tubes before shooting! Loose choke may lead to damage or injury. Here is what happened to my friend’s Beretta 1301 choke. It was loose and he simply blown it out!

Blown-Out Shotgun Choke Tube
Shotgun Choke Markings
A shotgun choke is found inside the bore of a shotgun barrel. It basically has a series of markings that helps shape the spread of the shot that is fired as it is coming out of the barrel. The specific choke you use determines the range and accuracy of the shot. Many choke models available have identification markings on the rim of each choke tube. That way the gun owner will know what type of choke is installed in the barrel without having to take it out.
There are generally five choke types that people use in their shotguns: full, improved modified, modified, imp cylinder and cylinder. The cylinder will have five notches on the end of the choke that will indicate it’s a cylinder. The improved cylinder will have four notches, the modified has three notches, the improved modified has two notches and the full has one notch. If you are not an experienced shotgun user then you probably won’t recognize these notches, but the manufacturer’s manual should tell you about them.
The importance of recognizing choke markings is so you’ll know what range and accuracy to expect from your shots. If you want to use slugs and have great accuracy then you’ll use a cylinder, improved cylinder or rifled choke.
As for the modified and improved modified chokes for example, they are used for targets 60 to 65 yards away. Those are better for birdshot or buckshot type ammunition. The full choke will give you the farthest range. All of this is important to know when you go hunting because the choke will determine the outcome of the target that you want to shoot.
Remember, there are different types of chokes out there that may not have the same markings on them. That is why you should always look at the manufacturer’s manual so that you know what the markings are supposed to mean on the choke that you purchased. Usually the number of notches mentioned previously determines what choke it is. Overall, you just need to spend some time using the different chokes and getting familiar with how they shoot. Go out target practicing in a wide open area with nobody around and test the range and accuracy of each choke. Pay attention to the markings of the choke before shooting so you can memorize the performance it gives you with the shots fired.
Generally, there are several choke types available: Cylinder, Skeet 1, Improved Cylinder, Skeet 2 (light Mod.), Modified, Improved Modified, Full, Extra Full and Turkey.
Most widely used choke types are: Cylinder, Imp Cylinder, Modified and Full.
Choke | Constriction | Percent | Identification (Notches) |
Cylinder | .000 | 40 at 40 yd 70 at 25 yd |
IIIII notches |
Skeet 1 | .005 | 45 at 40 yd 75 at 25 yd |
Improved Cylinder | .010 | 50 | IIII notches |
Skeet 2 (light Mod.) | .015 | 55 | |
Modified | .020 | 60 | III notches |
Improved Modified | .025 | 65 | II notches |
Full | .030 | 70 | I notch |
Extra Full | .040 | 73 | |
Turkey | .045 plus | 75 plus |
What is Cylinder Choke
Cylinder bore doesn’t have a restriction. Improved Cylinder has a minimal restriction. Recommended for short distances using birdshot and buckshot (20-30 yards) and self-defense. The shot pattern is much more spread out and your chances of hitting a target are better.
It is recommended to use slugs with Cyl or Imp Cyl for better accuracy.
The two most popular types of chokes are the cylinder choke and the improved cylinder choke. The difference between these two choke types has to do with the level of restriction. The improved cylinder choke has a small amount of restriction while the cylinder choke does not have any restriction.
Cylinder chokes are basically used for shooting targets at short distances. These types of situations would include hunting with buckshot or birdshot since those shell types accommodate distances up to 30 yards away. Cylinder chokes are also great with shotguns that you use for self-defense purposes. If someone breaks into your home or is on your property, chances are you will be shooting at a short range because they are close to you. If they are running away from you then you wouldn’t want to shoot them anyway because it would be illegal to shoot someone while their back is turned.
Short distance chokes like the cylinder choke will create a wide spread shot after the trigger is pulled. This will increase your chances of hitting the target because it is close to you and you don’t have to aim perfectly to hit it. If you were to try and shoot a target that was far away with a cylinder choke shot, then the pellets would spread too far apart by the time they’d reach the target. That is why cylinder chokes should only be used for short distance shooting. You can do a lot more damage to your target that way and your chances of missing the target will decrease tremendously.
If you want to shoot at targets that are far away, try the modified choke or the full choke.
What is Improved Cylinder choke
A lot of new gun owners get confused when deciding whether or not to use an improved cylinder choke or a regular cylinder choke in their shotgun bore. As you already know, the cylinder choke is known for not giving users any restriction in their shooting. The shots basically spread in all different directions because the pellets weren’t constricted when they came out of the bore. Now there are some gun owners who like to have a little bit of constriction but not enough to choose a modified choke or full choke. In these situations, you would want to go with an improved cylinder choke because it gives users 0.01 inches of constriction versus the 0.00 inches of constriction with the regular cylinder choke. That might not seem like a lot but it makes all the difference in the world when it comes to the spread capabilities of your shots.
To better understand what an improved cylinder choke can do, you have to look at the percentage of pellets there are within a 30-inch circle at a distance of 40 yards. This is the typical way in which chokes are tested. When you shoot lead pellets from a shotgun with an improved cylinder choke, 50% of the pellets will fall within a 30-inch circle after they’ve reached 40 yards. This means the other 50% of the pellets have spread beyond the 30-inch circle by the time they’ve reached that distance. Now when compared to a regular cylinder choke, only 40% of the pellets would have remained at 40 yards. So the improved cylinder choke provides a 10% increase in the number of pellets there are when shooting at greater distances like that. The reason there’re more pellets is because of the added constriction provided by the improved cylinder choke.
For the average shotgun owner, they aren’t going to care too much about this 10% different in the number of pellets there are. If you are hunting or shooting at short distances, then both a cylinder choke and improved cylinder choke would be just fine. However, if you want to add a little bit of extra firepower and create more damage to your target when you shoot it at a short distance then go with the improved cylinder choke. You can determine whether or not you have an improved cylinder choke by looking at the number of notches on its rim. You should see four slim cut notches on the rim which mean it is an improved cylinder choke.
When to use Modified Choke
Modified Choke with moderate constriction. Good for medium distances of 30-40 yards.
A modified choke is a suitable choke for shotgun users who don’t want the openness of a cylinder choke or the heavy constriction of a full choke. Modified chokes basically provide moderate constriction in your shots so that you can have better accuracy and a decent amount of spreading at the same time. You should consider modified chokes as the “medium” chokes because they give you the best of both worlds. They are best used when shooting at medium distances which are about 30 to 40 yards away. In addition, they give you medium constriction and medium accuracy as well.
The constriction size of the modified choke is 0.02 inches. This is 0.01 inches more than the improved cylinder choke and 0.02 inches more than the cylinder choke. However, it is 0.01 inches less than the full choke. Now, what does all this mean for shooting through the choke? Well just look at how many pellets there are within a 30-inch radius when shooting at 40 yards away. The modified choke will allow 60% of the pellets from the shell to reach 40 yards within a 30-inch radius of each other. This is 10% more than the improved cylinder choke and 20% more than the regular cylinder choke, but 10% less than the full choke. This means the modified choke will give you a little bit more firepower when shooting within 30 to 40 yards away. Basically, the more constriction there is the farther away you can shoot accurately. With the modified choke, 30 to 40 yards is the recommended distance for shooting. It doesn’t matter if you’re hunting, target shooting, or using it for self-defense purposes. The modified choke is bound to destroy whatever you are shooting at no matter what it is.
Modified chokes can be recognized by the three notches it has on its rim. This is the symbol for a modified choke. Usually, people use these chokes with shells filled with lead pellets. If you have slugs, then it is okay to use them with a modified choke but it is not recommended. Gun experts will tell you that slugs are better used with chokes that have less constriction. If your chokes have too much constriction and you shoot a slug out of it then it can damage the weapon. You don’t want to risk doing that so if you aren’t sure then just go to your local gunsmith and get their advice about using slugs with modified chokes.
Full Choke
Full Choke has the tightest constriction. For distances beyond 40 yards.
The full choke will give a shotgun user the most accuracy out of any other choke. The reason for this is because it constricts the shots very tightly when they come out of the barrel. That means the lead pellets won’t spread as wide as they would with less constrictive chokes like the cylinder choke or improved cylinder choke. Furthermore, the tight constriction of the full choke allows more of the pellets to stay closer together at greater distances. To measure this more accurately, we’ll look at the percentage of lead pellets there are within a 30-inch radius after the pellets have traveled 40 yards. A full choke would allow 70% of the lead pellets to remain within this radius at 40 yards. That is quite a majority of the original pellets, especially when you consider the cylinder choke only allows 40% of the pellets to remain at this distance. Therefore, the full choke maintains almost twice as many pellets within a short radius than the cylinder choke.
But hey, don’t limit yourself to just 40 yards. All chokes are calculated at this distance in order to give an honest comparison between them. A full choke, however, can still travel much farther than 40 yards and still be quite accurate. Some gun owners praise the full chokes for giving them great accuracy at targets up to 60 yards away. It all depends on the number of pellets you have in your shells. But the bottom line is if you want to do some longer range shooting with birdshot or buckshot then a full choke is definitely what you would want to have attached to your shotgun.
The full choke has a constriction of 0.03 inches. The only other chokes that have more constriction than that are the extra full chokes and the turkey chokes. They provide 0.01 to 0.015 inches of additional constriction to what you would find in a normal full choke. But for most people, that is too much constriction for most circumstances. A constriction of 0.03 inches should be good enough to hunt and shoot targets with.
For those who just want a shotgun for self-defense, you could still use a full choke and destroy your enemy at closer range. You just have to make sure your aim is a little more accurate since the spread is not as wide up close. The best advice for new gun owners is to experiment with the different chokes and see for yourself how well they shoot at various distances.
What is Skeet choke?
Shotgun owners who like to shoot at targets will typically love to go skeet shooting. This is a competitive and recreational shooting activity where competitors use their shotguns to shoot at clay targets that are projected into the air at high speed by a machine. The targets will often get flung into varying directions, making it more challenging for the competitors. Those who break the most clay targets with their shots will score the most points.
Skeet is a sport where competitors shoot at clay targets that are flung into the air from two fixed stations and from a variety of angles. It is fun to shoot at clay pigeons and the skeet choke is the one which can help you shoot better.
The way to increase your chances of successfully shooting these clay targets is to set up your shotgun’s choke properly. For skeet shooting, there are actually chokes called skeet chokes which are designed specifically for the purpose of shooting at clay targets in the air. Since these clay targets are moving fast in the air and are at a great distance away, you’ll want to have a choke with very little constriction to it. The skeet choke has a .005-inch constriction to it, which is just a little bit more than the cylinder choke that has no constriction at all. Due to this minor constriction, the skeet choke will give your shots a wide-open pattern that travels fast toward the target. This wideness allows the pellets to spread wider while increasing your chances of hitting the target. Skeet chokes are also good for shooting at birds in the air as well.
At a range of 25 yards, approximately 50% of the pellets from your shotshell will be distributed within a 30-inch radius if you are using a skeet choke. Although skeet chokes can be used for long distances, a lot of shooters like to do skeet shooting at close range because of these shot patterns. However, the one convenient thing about extended skeet chokes is that you can screw them right into the bore of the shotgun’s barrel without any tools. In competitions, shooters often like to switch between different chokes because of the various distances they’ll have to shoot their targets at. So, it helps when they can just screw and unscrew different choke tubes in order to accommodate the type of shooting they’ll be doing next.
Also, an extended choke has a longer parallel section of the extended choke, so it provides consistent shot patterns.
You can always see what choke you have in your shotgun because there is laser marked constriction name on the choke tube.
The choke which I use is made by Carlson’s. This company is a well-known manufacturer of barrels and chokes. Many hunters and competitive shooters have used them for years without any problems.
This skeet choke is made of 1704 stainless steel. It features a knurled surface that allows hand tightening to be easier. It also has traditional flats, so you can use a wrench to tighten it.
This skeet choke can be used with steel shot which is required in some places.
Overall, it is a very nice choke which I can recommend. This skeet choke is very nice and well made.
Recommended Product:
Get Remington Skeet Choke Review on Brownells |
What is Rifled choke?
Rifled chokes provide a light constriction to your shotgun. Since they have rifling inside of them, these chokes will spin the slugs and provide the shooter with better accuracy. You’ll get the most rotational stability if you’re using sabot slugs or Foster-type slugs in your shotgun. Just make sure you have smooth bore barrels that are compatible with your rifled choke tubes, those that screw into the bore.
A lot of rifled choke tubes are just extension tubes that go onto the bore. Not only does the tube stabilize the slug as it leaves the barrel, but it gives protection to the end of the barrel as well. Choke tubes may protrude anywhere from .625 inches to 1.3 inches out of the barrel, starting from the end of it. Of course, the exact number of inches will depend on the type of firearm in which your choke tube was manufactured for. Most choke tubes have a 1 to 35 right-hand rifle twist and a .730-inch groove diameter, if it’s for a 12-gauge shotgun. If you’re using a shotgun barrel with a smooth bore, the twist rate of 1 to 35 will enhance your groups significantly.
Rifled choke tubes are typically manufactured out of stainless steel with a different finish. This will enable the choke tubes to have a long lifespan because they’re resistant to corrosion and can sustain a lot of wear and tear put on it from consistent use. Traditional slugs should work fine with these types of rifled choke tubes also, but sabot slugs and rifled slugs are the preferred ammunition to use with them.
A lot of people find that rifled chokes are best used when hunting deer, but you could use them for target practice as well. It all depends on what you’re most comfortable shooting at. The best rifled choke brand to purchase is one that matches the brand of your shotgun. Remington, for example, creates rifled chokes that are specifically designed for their 12-gauge shotguns, such as the Remington 870. The great thing about these chokes is that they’re interchangeable. That way, if the hunting conditions of your environment change, then you can quickly change the rifled choke to another size choke. Also, they’re priced at around $50 each so it won’t hurt your wallet that much and they can last you for many years.
Chokes and Slugs
Cylinder and Improved Cylinder are recommended for use with a slugs for better accuracy.
If you are a shotgun owner, then you probably know the different between slugs and pellet shots like birdshot and buckshot. Pellets are much safer for a gun user because they spread in multiple directions after they are shot. On the other hand, slugs are basically lead projectiles similar to bullets. Rather than spreading like pellets, a slug does not spread. It just creates a powerful impact to whatever it is shot at.
The whole concept of choosing chokes has to do with how you want your pellets to spread. So if you are using slugs, you aren’t going to have to worry about that. But what you have to worry about is how constricted the choke is on your weapon. If you choose a choke that is very constricted, such as a full choke, and try to shoot a slug out of it, you could end up hurting yourself and permanently damaging your shotgun. The reason being is the diameter of the slug is likely bigger than the diameter of the choke. The more constricted your choke is, the smaller the diameter is on the inside. So if you attempt to shoot a slug through that tiny space, it isn’t going to turn out too well for you or the shotgun.
Therefore, what you want to do is choose a choke that has little to no constriction whatsoever. In this case, you will want to go with either the cylinder choke or the improved cylinder choke. These have a wide enough diameter to where slugs can shoot through it without damaging the weapon or the person firing it. If you currently have another type of choke on your weapon, then you can easily replace it with a cylinder choke tube. Then just switch back and forth between tubes whenever you want to shoot pellets or slugs.
The purpose of shooting slugs is accuracy and damage. It may be harder to hit your target with a slug, but if you aim properly and end up hitting it then it will have a deadlier impact than pellets would. Many people like to use slugs for home defense more than anything else. For hunters, it may provide a greater challenge when trying to shoot prey at a longer distance with your shotgun. Either way, just ensure you don’t have a constricted cylinder on your weapon when you shoot the slugs. Otherwise, it could be a mistake that you won’t walk away from.
Chokes for Slugs
Rifled chokes are designed specially for sabot slugs. In theory they should sping slugs for increased accuracy but this is no clear evidence that they really work. Some shooters believe that rifled choke really gives improved accuracy and better stability some don’t. So you will need to check it yourself.
Many gun owners would rather use a rifled choke tube for long distance shots because they are made to accommodate sabot slugs more than any other choke. It all depends on what you feel more comfortable with. If the cylinder choke gives you the kind of accuracy you need then use that instead.
When used with birdshot rifled choke makes patter wider.
What shotgun choke should be used for steel shot?
When it comes to steel shots with your shotgun, you need to have a more open choke instead of a full choke. The only way you should have a full choke is if it’s specifically approved for steel shots by the manufacturer. Otherwise, go with more open choke because it will allow the steel shot to safely exit the barrel without damaging your weapon. If your choke is specifically made for lead shots then you should never use a steel shot with your shotgun either. This information can usually be found on the manufacturer’s website or at the gun dealer where you purchased your weapon. You can also use improved cylinder chokes and modified chokes as well for steel shots. You don’t want the choke to be tighter than the modified choke or else it could damage the shotgun.
Steel shots weigh less than lead shots, so you may want to use a steel shot that is double the size of a lead shot. That way the impact will be just as effective. Of course, steel is much harder than lead which means it will penetrate your target better and reduce the chances of clogging the wound. Steel shots also don’t spread as much, which is another reason why an open choke is better to use than any other type of choke. You could use a modified or improved cylinder but its ability to spread will be reduced. It all depends on how badly you want to shoot targets up close versus far away. Some people like open chokes with steel shots just so they can completely destroy their target at close range without causing it to suffer too much. But if you are into long range shooting then use the modified choke with your steel shots. This will give you much better range and accuracy when firing at your target.
Purpose of chokes
A choke is designed to alter the distribution of the shot as it leaves the firearm. For shooting most game birds and clay pigeons, a desirable pattern is one that is as large as possible while being dense enough to ensure multiple hits on the target. Shotguns intended for defensive use often have cylinder or improved cylinder chokes for the widest shot pattern at typically short defensive range.

Shotgun Chokes
Interchangable chokes
Shooter is able to change chokes on some of the shotguns. Remember to check chokes often because they can get loose.
Vang Comp System
This choke system is designed specially for combat and home defense shotguns.
Differences between chokes
Remember that all chokes are different. Each manufacturer has their own size and threads. Remington, Benelli, Browning, Beretta, Ruger, Mossberg, Stoeger chokes are all different and can be installed only on particula shotgun.
Shotgun choke patterns
Always check pattern of your shotgun with ammunition you plan to use. All shotguns are different and choke pattern depends on type of your shotgun, length of your barrel. Also, there are many types of ammunition which also influences choke pattern. So make sure that you check pattern of your choke with ammunition you plan to use. Test it on paper on different distances and remember or even make photos.
Choke Tubes for Rem (Remington) Choke Tube Systems
The Rem Choke tube system is used on a number of Remington shotguns including the Model 870, Model 1100, and Model 11-87.
This is a choke tube developed by Remington which is designed for a number of their weapons. In order for a Remington shotgun to be compatible with a Rem choke tube system, the muzzle end of the barrel has to be threaded for an interchangeable screw. That is how the choke tube will be able to firmly connect to the barrel and sustain the impact of gunfire.
There are certain Remington firearms that already come with a Rem choke tube system. Look for them in the Model 887, Model 1100, Model 11-87SM, Model 11-87, Model 870SM, and Model 870.
Remember that if you don’t use the choke tube in the barrel of your weapon then it could damage the threads after you shoot it. Once that happens, you won’t be able to attach the choke tube to the barrel. The only way to rectify this situation is to replace the entire barrel. Therefore, be sure to use a Rem choke tube with a Rem choke barrel in order to sustain the life of both parts.
There are many types of Rem chokes you can use in your Remington weapons; full choke, modified choke, improved cylinder choke and many others. The full choke will give you the tightest constriction inside the bore. The modified choke will provide a lighter amount of constriction and the improved cylinder choke will be even lighter than that. If you want to eliminate all constriction, then you would just use a cylinder bore. But chances are that’s not what you want to do. A constricted bore helps with long range shooting and accuracy, which is why the Rem choke tube system is so popular for Remington shotgun owners.
If you want to purchase the choke tubes separately then expect to pay anywhere between $20 and $50. But if you want to pay for the installation of the choke tube system for your barrel then it will cost at least $99. People who are new to gun upgrades should consider paying a professional to install the choke tube system if it doesn’t already come with it.
Following is a list of the most common 12 gauge choke tubes in order of their constrictions:
Rem Choke | Gauge | Flush/ Extended | Description | Bore Diameter | Choke Dia. (+ .002”) | Constriction (+ .002”) |
Rem Choke | 12 GA | Extended | TURKEY EXT SUPER FULL | 0.727 | 0.665 | 0.062 |
Rem Choke | 12 GA | Extended | WINGMASTER HD EXTENDED TURKEY/PREDATOR | 0.727 | 0.670 | 0.057 |
Rem Choke | 12 GA | Flush | LONG HANDICAP | 0.727 | 0.686 | 0.041 |
Rem Choke | 12 GA | Extended | TURKEY EXT EXTRA FULL | 0.727 | 0.687 | 0.040 |
Rem Choke | 12 GA | Flush | FULL–STEEL OR LEAD | 0.727 | 0.691 | 0.036 |
Rem Choke | 12 GA | Flush | MID HANDICAP | 0.727 | 0.693 | 0.034 |
Rem Choke | 12 GA | Flush | SINGLES | 0.727 | 0.700 | 0.027 |
Rem Choke | 12 GA | Flush | MODIFIED | 0.727 | 0.709 | 0.018 |
Rem Choke | 12 GA | Extended | MOD EXTENDED SPTG CLAY NP | 0.727 | 0.709 | 0.018 |
Rem Choke | 12 GA | Extended | LT MOD EXTENDED SPTG CLAY NP | 0.727 | 0.715 | 0.012 |
Rem Choke | 12 GA | Flush | WATERFOWL PASS SHOOTING (FULL) | 0.727 | 0.718 | 0.009 |
Rem Choke | 12 GA | Flush | IMPROVED CYLINDER | 0.727 | 0.720 | 0.007 |
Rem Choke | 12 GA | Extended | IMP CYL EXT SPTG CLAY NP | 0.727 | 0.720 | 0.007 |
Rem Choke | 12 GA | Flush | WATERFOWL OVER DECOY (MODIFIED) | 0.727 | 0.720 | 0.007 |
Rem Choke | 12 GA | Extended | SKEET EXT SPTG CLAY NP | 0.727 | 0.723 | 0.004 |
Rem Choke | 12 GA | Flush | SKEET | 0.727 | 0.723 | 0.004 |
Rem Choke | 12 GA | Flush | WATERFOWL FLOODED TIMBER (IMPROVED CYLINDER) | 0.727 | 0.725 | 0.002 |
Rem Choke | 12 GA | Flush | IMPROVED SKEET | 0.727 | 0.725 | 0.002 |
What is adjustable (Polychoke, Cutts) shotgun Choke?
So, if you can change a choke on your shotgun, you know that to change the barrel constriction you need to unscrew one choke and then screw in another one. But with adjustable choke, you don’t need to do this. Adjustable choke enables you to change constriction using just one choke, it is very handy and fast procedure.
Adjustable choke which is sometimes called variable choke is not a new thing. They were came on the market for decaded and they allow shooters to dial in the desired choke constriction.

Adjustable Truglo Choke for Remington 870
TruGlo Titan Adjustable Choke
All you need to do to change the constriction is just twist the choke. Adjustable chokes are much more expensive than traditional chokes. One of the disadvantages is an additinal weight on the end of the barrel. There are 4 adjustments, from cylinder to extra full. The process is fast and simple, just turn the collar and click into position. Remember to unload a shotgun before making an adjustments.
It was not possible to find the TruGlo Titan choke in stock, so it looks like company discontinued this product.
Graphic Guide to Shotgun Choke Tubes
Here is new infogpraphic about shotgun choke tubes. I receive many questions about chokes and decided to make an infographic which explains basics.
Threading a Shotgun Barrel for Choke Tubes
Owner decided to thread the original 20″ barrel of his Remington 870 for chokes.
“Odd or not, I threaded the barrel myself to accept screw in chokes.
Mainly due to the fact that when I checked the old barrel, I found that the muzzle was heavily worn and was actually a NEGATIVE choke rather than the cylinder bore the barrel was marked for.
It was the original 20″ barrel to the gun. Remington confirmed that when I was checking the serial number info on the phone with them by the date code that was on the barrel was in fact a December 89 code.
I admit that I threaded it to Mossberg/Winchester/weatherby style chokes due to being less expensive and easy to find. ”
Related post:
Shotgun Chokes Explained
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Get Rem-choke, Win-choke or Tru-choke style tooling on Brownells |
Remington Choke Tube Upgrade Kit, 12-Gauge
If you own a Remington 12-gauge shotgun, then you are probably interested in more choke tubes, so you can shape how your shots are going to spread after they leave the bore. The importance of adding a choke tube to a shotgun is so you can add more constriction to your shots. Otherwise, the shots will just spread wide as soon as they leave the bore and this will make it very difficult to aim at small targets that are in your line of fire. To install a choke tube into the bore of your shotgun’s barrel, you need the right choke tubes and installation tools in order to make sure that it is done right.

Remington Choke Tube Upgrade Kit, 12-Gauge
The only choke that you receive with Remington 870 Combo is a Modified Choke. The Remington Choke Tube Upgrade Kit is what you will need in this case. You will receive Improved Cylinder and Full chokes. All the parts in the upgrade kit are made of authentic Remington parts that were manufactured at their American factory. You can use either of the two choke tubes in the kit to upgrade your Remington 870, 11-87 or 1100 shotguns. The different sized choke tubes included in the kit will allow Remington owners to do all kinds of shooting. Whether you want to hunt woodcock or rabbit, there is a suitable choke in the kit for any shooter. This kit is also suitable for competitive shooters. You could go with the less constricted choke tube that spreads your shots wider or you can go with the more constricted choke tube which keeps your shots tighter and closer together.
To easily swap parts, the upgrade kit includes a swivel stud and magazine cap. You’ll also receive a choke tube speed wrench which will allow you to change the choke tube a lot faster. This kit literally has everything you will need to change your choke tube within a short amount of time.
The price of the Remington Choke Tube Upgrade Kit is $41.55 and can be purchased at most retail stores that sell sporting goods. You can purchase choke tube upgrade kit or needed chokes separately.
New Choke Tubes for Remington 870: Breecher and Buckshot
2 new interesting chokes from Carlson’s company which is well known for shotgun owners. This company manufactures barrels for Remington 870.
I didn’t have a chance to test them, so if you have any info, please leave a comment.
Carlson’s Tactical Muzzle Brake choke tube
From manufacturer:
The New Carlson’s Tactical Muzzle Brake choke tube features a porting designed to reduce recoil significantly. This new choke tube is manufactured from 17-4 Heat Treated Stainless Steel in your choice of either Cylinder or Extra Full constriction. The Cylinder Choke Tube may be used with ALL shot shells including Lead, Steel, Hevi-Shot, and even slugs! The Extra Full choke tube can be used with all Hevi-Shot and lead loads (but is not to be used with slugs and cannot be used with any Steel shot larger than #2 or with any Steel shot faster than 1550FPS). The Extra Full constriction is also an excellent choice for hunters using larger shot sizes for coyotes, wild hogs and deer. The NEW Tactical Choke Tube has a head that extends approximately 2.75” beyond the end of the barrel and features a matte black finish. The addition of this new choke will not only make any ordinary shotgun look extraordinary, but also significantly reduce recoil allowing for better control of your firearm and quicker follow-up shots. Perfect for Law Enforcement or Home Defense. These chokes are proudly made in the USA and feature Carlson’s lifetime warranty.
More information:

Carlson’s Tactical Muzzle Brake choke tube

Carlson’s Tactical Muzzle Brake choke tube

Carlson’s Tactical Muzzle Brake choke tube
Carlson’s Remington Ported Buckshot Choke Tube
From manufacturer:
The Remington ported buckshot choke tube is designed to give you tight patterns downrange with 00 & 000 buckshot. This choke is ported to reduce recoil and muzzle jump that tend to go hand in hand with these large loads. This choke features a constriction designed specifically to optimize patterns with large and small loads alike. This choke will extended about 1” out of the barrel and has a black finish. Machined out of 17-4 heat treated material this choke can be used with Lead, Steel, and Hevi-Shot loads. This choke cannot be used with any Steel Shot larger than BB or with any Steel shot faster than 1550 FPS.
More information:

Carlson’s Remington Ported Buckshot Choke Tube
12-Gauge 3-Gun Remington Choke Tube Set
The Brownells 12-Gauge 3-Gun Remington Choke Tube Set is designed specifically for all 12-gauge Remington pump-action and semi-auto shotguns. This particular choke tube set is suitable for 3-Gun competitions because it gives users the ability to choose which choke tube they want for a given stage. The choke tubes included in this set are a modified choke tube, an improved cylinder choke tube, and a full choke tube.

Shooting Remington 870 with Extended Choke
This will give you the ability to shoot everything from a steel target at a far distance to a clay pigeon moving quickly through the air. All 3 tubes that come in this choke tube set were crafted out of 1704 stainless steel. They were each designed to provide users with tighter shooting patterns that are a lot denser than what you would find with traditional choke tubes. This helps increase your accuracy when shooting at targets within a smaller radius.
The end of each choke tube has been knurled in a way that allows users to quickly remove it so they can add a new one to their weapon. The size and constriction of each choke tube have been marked with a laser on their body and end. That way, you can easily check on which choke tube you are looking at without having to guess on its size. If you’re using rifled slugs, regular slugs, or sabots, make sure you are not using a choke that has a tight constriction. An improved cylinder would be the tightest that you could use with them. Remember that the type of shells you are using in your Remington shotgun should determine which choke tube you use. Some brands of ammunition will create patterns that differ from other brands, even if you’re using the same exact choke tube.

12-Gauge 3-Gun Remington Choke Tube Set
Anyone who purchases the Brownells 12-Gauge 3-Gun Remington Choke Tube Set will receive a lifetime warranty with their order. The price of this 3-Gun Choke Tube Set is $89.99 at Each choke tube that comes in the set was made in the United States. This ensures that you are getting a quality product that will last you for a very long time. Also, you don’t necessarily have to be a competition shooter in order to enjoy this choke tube set. You could be a hunter and find the convenience of being able to quickly change your choke tube to be an asset in a many situations.
Here is test results. As you can see, extended choke gives better and more predictable results:

Improved Cylinder Choke Test

Modified Choke Test

Full Choke Test
That is especially important for competitive shooters which have penalty targets on stages. This set is highly recommended. It makes changes easier and faster and gives shooter more stable results.
Extended chokes are awesome and highly recommended!
P.S.:There are also sets available for Browning Invector / Winchester and Benelli.
Recommended Product:
![]() |
Get 12-Gauge 3-Gun Remington Choke Tube Set on Brownells |
Where to buy chokes
It is easy to find chokes for sale. I recommend Brownelss because they have wide selection of chokes for different shotguns, good prices, ship orders fast.
Understanding Shotgun Chokes – Video:
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Very good informative info for us newbies!
I’m glad it was useful for you.
I have a Remington 870 express super magnum with a 26 inch vent rib barrel with a modified choke. Can I shoot slugs out of it through the modified choke or do i have to get a Cylinder or Improved Cylinder choke to shoot slugs out of?
You can shoot slugs thru modified choke tubes but gun companies needed to sell barrels and tubes so it’s not suggested. My cousins shoot slugs thru the full with no problems. It’s the only gun hee can afford. Hunts deer, birds, and rabbit with his 12 gauge full choke vent rib.
I shoot rifled slugs out of my modified choke every deer season. Just don’t shoot sabot slugs and you’ll be fine.
Hi Thanks for the written and illustrated details of 12G shotgun types. A Very Good site.
I am looking to purchase a Baretta 56E ejector with 26 inch barells, ejector, which I think is quite rare. On querying I was told by the vendor that it was factory made. I wonder?.
Additionally, I live in Australia, and am looking for a spare parts supplier in U.S. A. for firing pins and springs for 12G Bernadelli Hammer gun Model 192 Field, side by side, and a fore-grip iron which attaches the fore-grip to the fore-grip timber, the underside of the barrel and slides in to the underside of the block for a 12G, ejector, U/O Baikal Model IZH 27.
Would like to hear from any fellow hunters in USA or Canada, or anywhere for that matter.
Thanks for the detailed info on the different types of chokes. You saved my wallet and shoulder.
You are more than welcome!
Man thanks for the info help me a lot
You are welcome!
If I want to shoot steel shot in my older SKB 12 ga. should I use a modified choke rather that a full choke.
Steel does not compress like lead – additionally, larger shot size is used compared to lead for the same applications. What this means is that it can physically ‘spread’ the diameter of the choke and even split the barrel. Your older SKB has beautiful thin roto-forged barrels that can be damaged by shooting steel shot through it. Best to avoid steel shot altogether – but it might be alright to shoot in an improved cylinder.
If you have screw-in chokes, there are lengthened chokes that have the constriction not in the part of the choke that is adjacent to the threads, but rather outside the barrel. If the steel shot spreads the choke, you can replace the choke instead of having loose barrel threads.
Modern guns are generally compatible with steel shot, but the choke is one size more effective. A lead Modified gives an Improved Modified pattern with steel shot.
I just bought a Hawthorn Viking 12 G with a full choke barrel. Will shooting #6 steel shot hurt the barrel?
I’m just getting into 5-stand, from the 16-yard station of course, being a newbie. I tried an improved modified choke with my 12-gauge but only shot 12 for 25 using #7-1/2 shot. Not bad perhaps for a beginner but I’d already shot 19 for 25 with a full choked 20-gauge the week before. I decided to shoot one more round but switched to my Remington Browning-pattern “The Sportsman” circa 1947 with a full fixed choke and with the same 1 oz, #7-1/2 shot and scored a 22 for 25. Puzzling as the more open chokes are supposed to be superior for trap and skeet but that hasn’t been my experience.
In any event thanks for the article. It is informative and it may turn out the old Sportsman simply shoots to my miss. BTW, you may want to edit the first paragraph changing ‘shogun’ to ‘shotgun’ in three places. It happens to the best…
Thanks, Michael! Fixed.
You’re welcome! Question: are there specialty chokes that produce a flat band, i.e. spreads the pattern on either the horizontal or vertical axis depending on how it is set up? Thanks!
Yes, there is the Gator Shotgun Spreader choke that spreads the pattern on horizontal axis. But I didn’t have a chance to test it.
great info on here
Thank you! This is very good info for all of us that are new to shotguns.
Thank you for the information , Is there a Turkey choke ?
I own a Remington 870 20 gauge express with screw in choke at the end of the barrel. I have three screw in chokes improved, modified and full. May I remove the choke tube so I can have a cylinder choke or will firing the gun damage the threads where the choke tubes screw into?
Yes, shooting without choke will damage the threads.
I have a Rem 870 Compact 20 gauge with a 4 slotted choke which I cannot unscrew. Do these chokes unscrew counterclockwise? My intention is for defense with large shot and slugs that may be steel as well as lead, so the most suited choke is what I want, including a rifled possibility. The seller told me his daughter only fired 3 shots through this gun. It truly is in new condition. Could the choke be seized for some reason? I have not fired this gun yet. Please advise me with recommendations. Thanks.
Does it normally take a great deal of effort to unscrew a choke?
Usually, no. But it is recommended to unscrew and clean/lube chokes regularly.
New to turkey hunting, I bought a used NEF 12 GA single shot with a full choke. Will shooting steel through it damage the barrel like it would with the older SKB? And would it be good to get a gunsmith to install a turkey choke ?
Thanks for all the info here!
I have two Mossberg 500 shotguns. One with a 28 inch barrel with a modified choke and the other with a 26 inch barrel with an IMP cylinder. Which should I keep for duck?
Great article by the way. Thanks a bunch.
28 inch barrel with Modified choke is better for duck. Some hunters even use Full choke.
28″ modified for sure. I got the same gun.
the moidified will be best and a lot less frustrating until you train your brain – fewer misses.
I just bought a shotgun and it’s a steep freakin learning curve! Had no idea all the variations, etc. Really fascinating. This is the best, most succinct explanation of chokes that I’ve found. I finally get it!
New hunter which choke would u recommend for goose hunting with steel shot ?
I have an L.C. Smith but nothing on the barrels tells
what are the chokes. I have a “factory letter” which
does not address the question.
The ID’s are RT bbl = .715
Lt bbl= .685
Can you tell what I have?
Great, informative article. But, I do have a noob question. I recently purchased a Remington 870 Tactical. It appears to have just the Cylinder Bore Choke (no visible choke inserts of any kind). If this is true, my question would be, in order to install a choke (i’d like to install a Breecher Muzzle Break on it – because they look cool, and in case in need to pop someone in the forehead with it……). My assumption is that I’ll need to replace the barrel first, but can you let me know what I’ll need to do??
Who came up with the Bovine Scatology about shooting slugs through a choke being dangerous?
Both the Breneke Slug and the later Foster Slug were specifically designed to be fired through a choke to enable people to use their trusty shotgun to hunt deer and other large game. As this article accurately states, even the tightest Turkey Choke has only 0.045 inch restriction. The nominal caliber of a 12 gauge is 0.729 inches and most slugs have a body diameter of 0.690
inches with the external “rifling” keeping the sub caliber projectile centered.. Lead has a compressive strength of only 2,500 psi and SAAMI spec shotgun barrels are rated for 10,000 psi to 14,500 psi depending on exact chambering. Furthermore; the hollow core of a Breneke or Foster slug enables the slug to compress. The actual forces exerted by a slug passing though even a full choke are no greater than the inertial forces exerted on a column of birdshot passing through a choke.
A slug will go through a full choke like crap from a goose.
That was my understanding also, but I have heard it both ways over several decades, and thus am still interested in getting a definitive answer on this question. This article has made me so curious I’ve tried looking up my volume of “Shotguns” by Elmer Keith, to see if there’s anything stated in there since it’s been several years since I read it last. while I understand that steel shot and new manufacturing methods can make a big difference in these questions never the less I would consider him to be a definitive answer.
My name Tanya
I just want to buy some full choke for my Remington 870 12Ga
Someone’s got any idea where I can get it and how much.
Thank you so much
for a slug or 00buck is it fine to use the full choke thank you
It is better to use Cylyinder or Improved Cylinder with most of the slugs.
Is a full choke available for the 20 gauge 870? I’ve looked at multiple places and have yet to find one.
Yes, available on Brownells:
Wow, thanks for replying so rapidly! Buying it now.
2 Remington 20 ga full chokes available at the Canadian Tire store at Emerald Hills Mall in Sherwood Park Alberta. SKU 175-0634-6 at $29.99 CAD each.
Thanks! I ordered one from Brownell, $20.94 USD including shipping.
Great deal. You have the best economy in the world.
I don’t get it, my father’s been hunting with a Remington 20 gauge model 11 were they barrel comes from the factory full, it says right on the barrel full, he has been shooting 20 gauge slugs through it as long as I can remember with no problems, barrel still looks fine
its good to see the learning and some one that knows to teach I was fortunate and grew up in the sporting world started shooting very young but with people that were very knowledgeable about rifles and shot guns .its all good but I was always taught safety gun barrels right direction etc.used to push for duck hunters the father from the city would bring his kid and that’s the one you had to watch
Thank you so much for the information on the choke information. It was very helpful!
This is a great article – THANKS from another newbie..
I recently bought a Tavor TS12 semi auto and am curious about several things:
1. It comes with Modified choke installed and Improved cylinder in the box. Is it OK to shoot rifled lead slugs in the modified configuration or should I plan to switch it out when I intend to do so? Obviously it is brand new and I was hoping to try several different kinds of loads during a trip to the range, but switching in the middle makes me worry about fouling the threads etc. What are your thoughts?
2. Ammo has been HARD TO ACQUIRE and some of what I did find was steel shot (Winchester #2 and #4 shot, not #2/4 Buck, they are apparently different). It is a modern weapon but do you think steel shot is harmful to the barrel or not?
3. Can you comment on the relative merits of cylindrical red dot sights vs open holographic ones? Also, how high up the range of offerings does one need go to get a good quality durable sight? The ones in videos are always $500+ which seem a bit steep and perhaps unnecessary for someone like me (not spending days outside hunting in adverse environments).
Thanks very much for this informative article and any answers you can provide to my questions.
Should I get an improved cylinder choke for bird shot and slug for remington 870 short barrel? It might be a youth gun. It’s my wife’s.
very good article i have a 870 super mag , plan on hunting coyotes soon any recomendations on choke tubes and shot