Remington 870 Front Sight Fell Off
Remington 870 Front Sight Fell Off
I have heard about such problem when front sight falls out of it’s groove and now I can show you photos which I took on the range. There were shooter with Remington 870 and front sight just fell off after several shots. Front sight was lost forever in a snow. Happily I have one spare standard dovetail front sight which I have given to the shooter.

Remington 870 Front Sight Fell Off

Remington 870 Front Sight Fell Off
Any ideas of how to avoid such problem? Please leave a comment.
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Put a drop of red loctite on it, then ping the ends with a small punch, after you slide it back in.
Greg, thanks for your comment and advice!
That exact same thing happened to me, except we don’t get snow in Houston, but it was gone. I called Remington the other day and they are sending me a new one at no cost.
The good side of having an adjustable front sight is just that it is adjustable. But the downside is that it is that the adjustable sights can fall off. It would seem to me that a fixed front sight is superior if the front sight is well enough located so that windage can be sufficiently adjusted from the rear. The standard Benelli M4 (not the new H2O version) has a fixed front sight. Greg Shaw’s solution of Red Loctite and staking the sides with a punch would in essence turn the adjustable front sight into a fixed sight. Red Loctite is really strong stuff. Several years ago a friend and I had to remove some damaged rocker arm studs, that had been screwed in with Red Loctite, from the engine of an old 1962 Corvette. We had to heat the cylinder heads with a blowtorch and chill the rocker arm studs with dry ice. Even then it took both of us tugging real hard on on a three foot long breaker bar to get the studs out!
Same my did the same how can I fix it
Same thing happened to me when I Bought my 870 Tactical. Going to try the Loctite
Good decision!