Saf-T-Plug for Shotgun Safety, Chamber Safety Flag for Guns
One more interesting accessory from Eros from Italy: Saf-T-Plug for Shotgun Safety.

Saf-T-Plug for Shotgun

Saf-T-Plug for Shotgun
This is an item involved in safety on the range… the safe-t-plug that can be bought on the web or over the bay for a very low price… this item was designed to fit just about every shotgun out there including 10,
12, 16, and 20 gauge, all Pump Action and Semi-Automatic Shotguns.

Saf-T-Plug for Shotgun

Saf-T-Plug for Shotgun
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I got one of these when I passed my Hunter’s Safety course.
do you know of anyone selling these in the US or canada id like to pick u pa few
If you are still interested in the Saf-T-Plugs give me a call at 904-540-4200. I have a couple hundred for shotguns 10ga-28ga, and some of the new ones for rimfire.
Good Afternoon. I’m just going thru website after website attempting to locate some of these Saf-T-Plugs and see that numerous years ago you had some on hand and was wondering if you had sold them all. We have some and absolutely love their useability and visibility in working with young 4-H shotgun shooters but our participation has grown to the point where we need additional plugs. If you no longer have any available, possibly you know of another avenue I could pursue!!?? Thanks a million for any help you can provided!!
Probably these guys:
They say they’re the manufacturer, should be able to help you out.
Safe t plug for 12 gauge ,where to by in Canada