I recently came across a 870 Wingmaster with 28" barrel . It also has a 18" slug barrel with a rifled choke. when changing barrel I found barrel is completely different . I believe the short barrel may be for a 1100 or and 1187. My question is will all 870 barrels fit 870 actions or are there different receivers to barrel combos.
Thanks in advance
Thanks in advance
Thanks in advance
Lisa Park geometry dash
Re: Thanks in advance
Can you post pics of the two barrels? If we can see the differences that will help.
Re: Thanks in advance
Are there any markings or engraving on the barrel stating what it is for?
Greg Sullivan "Sully"
SLR15 Rifles
Defensive Edge Training
(763) 712-0123
Greg Sullivan "Sully"
SLR15 Rifles
Defensive Edge Training
(763) 712-0123