870 Comparison to Mossberg 500?
870 Comparison to Mossberg 500?
Was thinking of building a Mossberg 500 just to compare side-by-side to the 870. Anybody have one? I had at one time a Western Field 550 20-ga which was a Mossberg 500 early generation with only one action bar. But it seemed to work okay. I shot some slugs out of it and never had a problem. But I know the current 500's went to a dual-action-bar like the 870's. I'd be interested in hearing some comparison-experiences.
Imperious Moderatus
Retired USN
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Retired USN
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Re: 870 Comparison to Mossberg 500?
Have a 590. Dual bars. 500 went to duals a while back.
Re: 870 Comparison to Mossberg 500?
When i first bought my 870, i put it on safe 6 times trying to release the slide. They
load easy, safety is on top of receiver.
Elevator operates opposite of an 870.
load easy, safety is on top of receiver.
Elevator operates opposite of an 870.
Re: 870 Comparison to Mossberg 500?
For disclosure I am 870 guy all the way. That said 500/590 are great guns. I have an old school 500 with extended tube from the factory. But they are great only with a standard stock. If you like pistol grips and I do. 500/590 is terrible.
Re: 870 Comparison to Mossberg 500?
oh....really big thing here. IF you go with a pistol grip configuration in the rear, be prepared to buy or fabricate an extended action release. trust me on this. for some unknown reason, everyone that goes pistol grip (or, in my case, Blackhawk-knoxx), needs to extend the action release.
Re: 870 Comparison to Mossberg 500?
All good info. Keep it coming!
Imperious Moderatus
Retired USN
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Pain heals, chicks dig scars.....glory -- lasts forever!
Retired USN
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Pain heals, chicks dig scars.....glory -- lasts forever!
Re: 870 Comparison to Mossberg 500?
Remember also. The elevator is not there when you load...opposite of 870. Also... Dual extractors.
Re: 870 Comparison to Mossberg 500?
Duel extracor is a good point. Even though I have never had an 870 fail due to that. As far as the lifter not sure if that is a problem in any way shape at all. The matter effect just the opposite it actually helps in reloading.
Re: 870 Comparison to Mossberg 500?
Not a problem. Just not what an i870 owner is used to.
Re: 870 Comparison to Mossberg 500?
What is the rationale between the differing length action bar assemblies, 6-1/2" and 7-5/8"? Are they interchangeable? I see forends listed for both, so I assume you need all the 6-1/2" parts or 7-5/8" parts instead of a mix -match? Is it a function of the receiver being able to handle 3-1/2" shells, or limited to 3" and 2-3/4" shells?
Imperious Moderatus
Retired USN
NRA Life ; NAHC Life
Pain heals, chicks dig scars.....glory -- lasts forever!
Retired USN
NRA Life ; NAHC Life
Pain heals, chicks dig scars.....glory -- lasts forever!