870 Wingmaster Wood Furniture Maintenance

General discussion about Remington 870 shotgun.
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870 Wingmaster Wood Furniture Maintenance

Post by ShotgunSam870 »

I just purchased an 870 Wingmaster as an LE trade In, and was built in 1981 (Before my time). The furniture is in good shape, with the occasional ding or scratch here and there, but no cracks or splits.
I searched online for hours on end, trying to find definitive answers on how to properly care for wood furniture. All I really came across were heated debates, arguing whether one should use gun oil, wax, or other methods that others have used, but I still could not find anything I could confidently trust in.
I did check and ensure I did have a stock bearing plate prior to shooting it for the first time, and to which it functioned flawlessly.
What I settled on was too simply keep gun oils and solvents off the wood furniture and wipe it down with a clean, dry cloth.
Is there anything else I should be doing to protect against cracks or splitting? I have never owned a firearm with wood furniture, and I am very fond of such looks. From my searches online however, it did seem like wood furniture does not require much maintenance in general, unless it is subject to the elements on a frequent basis. This gun is a HD weapon, and a sporting weapon at the range mainly. I do not hunt.
Thanks in advance.
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The Rattler
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Re: 870 Wingmaster Wood Furniture Maintenance

Post by The Rattler »

I think you found about all that I have been able to find on the subject. Of course, the stock must have finish for protection from moisture. Some finishes have better protection than others. But as long as it has original finish in good shape, I presume there is adequate protection.

Where scratches exist, there is no longer protection of wood in that specific area. So if you have many scratches, it is no longer adequately protected. Scratches, however, can be repaired or the stock can be totally refinished with a finish designed to provide maximum protection from moisture.

In the meantime, one can wax the wood (and metal too) but that can create problems if the wax contains chemicals making it difficult to remove them in case you need to totally refinish the wood.
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