Choke Size, 20-ga

General discussion about Remington 870 shotgun.
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Choke Size, 20-ga

Post by NnF000 »

    Is the Remington Choke Threads of a 20-ga barrel all the same ?

    I have read about thread positioning on the REM Choke Threads and Pro-Bore Threads but never the actual size of the threads or any other particulars on the Choke Tubes themselves OD, length, thread pitch and size, what gives on that ?

    I contacted a Gunsmith to thread my 18.5” Remington Smooth Bore Barrel so I could change Choke Tubes as needed (actially to add a Tactical looking extended choke tube), and was told I needed to have TC Thread, like a TruLock !

    I was under the impression that all Remington 20-ga Shotguns would have the same Choke Tube Threads, other than positioning, am I wrong ?
    Also, was thinking all I need to do is buy a REM Choke Tube - Imp Cyl, and send it along with my barrel and he should be able to thread the barrel to the Choke Tube !

    I thought building a 20-ga Tactical HD Weapon was going to be a wham-bam deal and I have come across a lot of extra time on the computer trying to hunt down the parts I want but it is happening, slow but sure.

    One last thing, I was looking at the KICKs Choke Tubes, only reason is the look of the Extended Forend !

    Thks for reading and please comment !
    The picture is a 12-ga but the 20-ga looks the same, ID = 0.610.    This is a “Smoke” model, their HighFlyer looks the same except BLACK.  Both come in four or five different Choke Sizes.
    The picture is a 12-ga but the 20-ga looks the same, ID = 0.610. This is a “Smoke” model, their HighFlyer looks the same except BLACK. Both come in four or five different Choke Sizes.
    Rem12SS_Main-1.png (110.6 KiB) Viewed 3333 times
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    Re: Choke Size, 20-ga

    Post by Synchronizor »

    Remington Pro-Bore chokes are only made for special over-bored 12ga barrels. Remingtons with standard 12ga bores or any other gauge use Rem Chokes (some older shotguns differ, but that doesn't apply to 870s).

    20ga Tru-Choke and Rem Choke tubes are not interchangeable, they have different threads (this link gives some info on that). I don't know why you were told that you would need to go with Tru-Chokes. You certainly could if you wanted to, but if you want to stick to the factory standards (a smart move for resale value, if nothing else), you should have your barrel threaded for Rem Chokes. Sometimes a barrel can't be threaded for a specific choke tube system because it doesn't have enough wall thickness, but that shouldn't be the case with an 870 barrel. Your gunsmith might be trying to sell you on Tru-Chokes because that's the tooling they have on hand.

    Building a functional HD 870 is pretty straightforward. But if you want a tacti-cool range toy with a lot of extras attached, it tends to get more complicated, even with 12-gauges.
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    Re: Choke Size, 20-ga

    Post by NnF000 »

    Thanks for the info and you maybe correct in the assumption of the Gunsmith is selling his stock !
    I will buying a KICKs Choke and ask the Gunsmith if he can do the REM Choke if he can’t I will go elsewhere.

    Not after a lot of Tacti-cool, just a few things.
    Adjustable Stock to allow the wife and my self to fire the same gun.
    Sights, something easier to see, I am getting older.
    Maybe a Heat Shield, just in case, the WIFE needs it !
    I found a Forend that the Wife likes the feel of better than then 870 version, I might go there too !

    The main reasons for taking longer than expected is 1) My first Shotgun and do not know my way around it or what is available for it; takes time to check things out on the web ! And 2) my background always calls for extra checking, make sure it will go together… so I have to have the data in front of me first then I go for it !
    20-ga REM870, light weight Home Defense !
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