sodapopsixtysix wrote:Here's the first shotgun I ever purchased, my 870P:
Very Nice simple and effective. Did you send it to Wilson combat?
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I actually bought it as a standard police model. I purchased the ghost ring and tritium sight, mag extension, hi-vis follower, jumbo safety, and side-saddle from Scattergun Technologies before they were acquired by Wilson and added them myself. I picked up the Wilson case recently when I wanted a jumbo safety for my 870 Synthetic and ended up browsing their store.
sodapopsixtysix wrote:Here's the first shotgun I ever purchased, my 870P:
Very Nice simple and effective. Did you send it to Wilson combat?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
I actually bought it as a standard police model. I purchased the ghost ring and tritium sight, mag extension, hi-vis follower, jumbo safety, and side-saddle from Scattergun Technologies before they were acquired by Wilson and added them myself. I picked up the Wilson case recently when I wanted a jumbo safety for my 870 Synthetic and ended up browsing their store.
Nice I really like your 870P keep it exactly like it is
my remington 870 12ga 3" magnum
duracoat with durablue
hiviz shotgun sight
wilson combat 2 shot vertical magazine extension kit (follower + magazine spring)
tanks HD magazine/barrel clamp
wilson combat jumbo head safety
870 non mim extractor
1100 carrier dog follower spring ( carrier latch)
limbsaver airtech recoil pad
sodapopsixtysix wrote: ↑Sat Mar 25, 2017 1:15 am
Here's my 870 Marine Magnum (before and after) with the following replacements/add ons:
Remington rifle sight barrel
Remington synthetic youth stock
S&J hi-vis follower
Wilson Combat jumbo safety
Mesa Tactical Sureshot 6 round side-saddle
CDM MOD-C flashlight mount
Surefire G2 Nitrolon flashlight with McClicky Switch and toxic green boot
How do you like that follower? I had read there could be issues with those as well as all the others. Especially since your using an after market follower in a Remington extension.
How do you like that follower? I had read there could be issues with those as well as all the others. Especially since your using an after market follower in a Remington extension.
So far the S&J Type 2 follower and Remington 2 piece extension with the marine spring have been cycling fine. I've only cycled 2-3/4" Federal PD132 through it. Not sue if other lengths would load/feed differently.
I have another gun with the Scattergun Technologies +2 and the factory follower would hang up. I changed that to the Wilson follower and it's been fine ever since. That gun also has the Scattergun spring. I suspect that the factory follower can deform or tilt under pressure and hang up in the gap between the tube and 1 piece extension.
I choose the S&J for my MM because I like the slick feel of the Delrin and I've had good experience with the Wilson "tailed" shape design. The Delrin also feels solid so it can't be squeezed out of shape under load.
Let us know what you end up with.
Last edited by sodapopsixtysix on Fri Apr 07, 2017 5:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.