Cleaning questions

General discussion about Remington 870 shotgun.
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Re: Cleaning questions

Post by MStarmer »

I would say use any lube you have on hand. Just like with the Glocks a little goes a long way. I'm a recent convert to Ballistol and love the stuff. I use it for bore cleaning and light oil, Slip 2000 for anything that actually needs lube. I'm trying to use up all my other oils like FP10, BreakFree and Miltec for rust prevention mainly now.

I know a lot of people love to use their boresnakes at the range when done shooting, I'm the exact opposite, I use mine once the guns are clean just to make sure I leave the bore clean and polished. Occasionally I run one thru my carry guns as well just to take out the lint. I've been using the same ones for years.

You can always use the Aippi cleaning rods too
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