Looking for some measurements for 870 barrels

General discussion about Remington 870 shotgun.
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Looking for some measurements for 870 barrels

Post by Synchronizor »

I'm working on a video that focuses on barrel lengths, and one of the things I'm going to mention is that the barrel guide ring on 870s can be used as a reference, allowing the length of barrels to be measured without taking the gun apart or sticking something down the bore. On standard 870 barrels, the front face of the guide ring is 11.75 inches (about 298 mm) from the closed breechface (or the back end of the barrel, not counting the barrel extension).
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L-02.JPG (46.78 KiB) Viewed 2363 times
This has been the case for every standard 870 barrel I've measured, but I haven't had the chance to take apart & measure every version of the 870, and I can only be so accurate deriving measurements from pictures (thanks to the aptly-named effect of barrel distortion). So, I wanted to see if any forum members would be willing to measure their barrels and post their results here. Data from any 870 would help confirm my findings, but I'm especially interested in numbers for less common 16ga, 28ga, or .410 870s, and models with non-standard magazines like the 870 MCS and Special Field.

I'd also be interested lengths of magazine tubes (as measured from the front face of the receiver), and barrel extensions (the bit that extends backward from the chamber, and fits into the receiver).
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