Upgrades or Rem Police Trigger Group?

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Upgrades or Rem Police Trigger Group?

Post by Flash89 »

What do you think? I have a Rem870 Tactical and have read the basic upgrades on the website and my question regarding changing springs et all is...Is the Police Trigger Assembly group that much better than the factory installed trigger and if I purchased the Police group would that take care of the upgrades to the latch, carrier springs etc?
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Re: Upgrades or Rem Police Trigger Group?

Post by Synchronizor »

The only thing you'd have to do to bring an Express trigger plate assembly in line functionally with a Police assembly is to install a heavy carrier dog follower spring; and even that is kind of a preferential thing. A heavier carrier dog follower spring will make the shell carrier lock in the "up" position a little more firmly, and make it stiffer to push up, which could keep foreign matter out of the action a little better if it gets dropped in mud or snow. On the other hand, the carrier will take a little more force to push out of the way, and working the action will be slightly (probably imperceptibly) stiffer.

Other than that one spring, the only thing a Police assembly will have different is a compressed aluminum trigger guard instead of polymer. The plastic is actually more impact-resistant then the brittler aluminum, and scratches will be a lot more obvious on the aluminum part than on the plastic.

For $91, a Police trigger plate assembly will give you a $3.20 spring that you may not even like, and a trigger guard that's easier to break. If you're really set on a new trigger assembly, the Marine Magnum group has some slightly more corrosion-resistant parts. Otherwise, keep what you have, and just swap out the carrier dog follower spring and sear spring if you think you'd like different weights for them.
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