Remington 870

General discussion about Remington 870 shotgun.
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Remington 870

Post by GrndpaNick68 »

I have a Remington Sportsman that my Father bought me for my 14th birthday in the early to mid "80"s.( can't give my age away to the day)
I love my Remington & have hunted about everything with with feathers that has a season in the US. A few years back I went to an auction of a local gun shop going out of business. In the area I come from (Central US) using a shotgun for whitetail is unheard of. It just so happens in this auction I bought a slug barrel with a scope & everything for an 870/Sportsman. It was dirt cheap & I knew tat they were popular for deer hunting in other parts of the country. I don't know why it never caught on here. We all just kind of move from Bow season/black powder to rifle season back to bow season & that is about it.
I am following another auction with another old Rem. pump it it. If I could pick it up for less than $250 & dedicate it as my slug only shotgun would that be practical. To be honest I put the barrel on my shotgun to make sure it would fit but I have never fired a shot through it.
I guess my question is for anyone that has hunted with a 12 Gauge slug. Would I be better off expanding my horizons? (TEACHING AN OLD DOG NEW TRICKS) Or should I just sell the rifled slug barrel with a scope. I have always intended on using that barrel some day but to be honest I didn't want to rock the old 12 gauge that I have grown up with .But if I can pick up a nice one for cheap & dedicate it to be the oine & only slug barrel maybe it is a good idea. I almost never take a shot that is much farther out than I wouldn't take with my bow anyway. We are just blessed like that around here. I don't know why either me or my buddies have never gotten into slug hunting. It just isn't something we do around here.
I have carried on too long already but I am hoping to hear someone respond to me with " What are you waiting for?" " Where we come from everybody has a dedicated bird gun & Deer gun"
I will leave you all alone now. I thank you all for your input & I appreciate the time that it took just to read my story much less responding to it.
I hope that this finds you not only healthy but safe
Thanks again
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