Looking at buying this 870 Wingmaster.

General discussion about Remington 870 shotgun.
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Looking at buying this 870 Wingmaster.

Post by Jnorris »

Hey guys, new to the forum so thanks for having me.
I’m looking at purchasing the Wingmaster in the photos. Been doing as much research as I can but I figured I’d ask some of you experts. From what I have determined, based on the date code, I’m thinking this model was made in 1984? Is this correct? Also, would this likely be the original barrel with the gun? Finally, I’m assuming yes, but would it be ok to shoot steel out of this barrel, I am assuming where is says mod, means it’s a fixed modified barrel? Finally, if need be, could this barrel be threaded to accept other chokes down the road. Thanks so much guy.
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Re: Looking at buying this 870 Wingmaster.

Post by ChillyB »

My understanding based on someone's post here on this forum is that an old gun upgraded with screw-in chokes can handle steel. I cannot confirm, just restating. Makes sense, though. The straight portion of bore wouldnt seem to care what you send down the pipe, up until the moment the choke has to herd that pile of pellets into a tighter stream.

I've read that some thinner barrels may require a different choke brand (vs Remchoke). The smith installing chokes can make the call on that. I intend to have a barrel choked because previous owner cut to 26" so is now cylinder bore.
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Re: Looking at buying this 870 Wingmaster.

Post by ChillyB »

And no, you cannot shoot steel as-is.
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Re: Looking at buying this 870 Wingmaster.

Post by Scorpion8 »

Howdy and welcome! That's a good looking Wingmaster, so I hope you don't plan to do some HD mod to it. Yes, the barrel is rated for steel, and if the choke is fixed, then there's no issue with steel shot. If the choke is removeable, then you'd have to see what choke is in there and it's capabilities. In general, older Wingmaster barrels can be rebored for removeable chokes.
ChillyB wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 4:43 pm And no, you cannot shoot steel as-is.
Not sure I agree.
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Re: Looking at buying this 870 Wingmaster.

Post by ChillyB »

Huh, maybe I'm wrong then. I'll go ahead and assume that I am. I dont waterfowl so I probably am incorrect.
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Re: Looking at buying this 870 Wingmaster.

Post by Scorpion8 »

ChillyB wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 4:55 pm Huh, maybe I'm wrong then. I'll go ahead and assume that I am. I dont waterfowl so I probably am incorrect.
No, it's a good point of discussion. To my understanding, most of what rates a choke for steel or not-for-steel is the interface where shot strikes the choke and narrows into the restriction. In a solid choked barrel, there isn't any interface such as there is with a removeable choke. Otherwise why would the choke need to be rated for steel and yet the barrel says nothing about lead, steel or bismuth shot. None of my Remington barrels say "Lead shot only", so a steel-capable barrel with an integrated choke should handle steel shot too? That's my deductive reasoning.
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Re: Looking at buying this 870 Wingmaster.

Post by ChillyB »

From a different forum:

"Remington has written in the past, their single barrel shotguns post 1960 with FULL chokes are suitable for steel shot up to #2. nothing larger. 870 and 1100 are in this discription. I contacted remington exactly on this subject years ago, And it was published by remington in the late 80's."

Accept as you will, I cannot confirm.
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