date of manufacture
date of manufacture
I have the two letter code "CG" on the left side of the barrel just in front of the receiver. Can anybody tell me when the shotgun was manufactured based on that code? Thanks.
Re: date of manufacture
Well, the barrel was made in either:
April 1938,
April 1960,
April 1986, or
April 2012.
If it's an 870, it's 1960, 1986 or 2012. Note: this does not mean that is when the receiver was made.
Call Remington, 1 800-243-9700, extension #7, and give them your serial number. They should be able to tell you the month and date of manufacture, and what barrel it was shipped with.
Please see the thread I started with a proposed database after you get this info.
April 1938,
April 1960,
April 1986, or
April 2012.
If it's an 870, it's 1960, 1986 or 2012. Note: this does not mean that is when the receiver was made.
Call Remington, 1 800-243-9700, extension #7, and give them your serial number. They should be able to tell you the month and date of manufacture, and what barrel it was shipped with.
Please see the thread I started with a proposed database after you get this info.