New to pump shotguns

General discussion about Remington 870 shotgun.
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New to pump shotguns

Post by Deerman »

I'll probably have a lot of questions! I've bowhunted since I was 14 and rifle hunt for deer and have always wanted a pump shotgun. Where I hunt, its all thickets and probably the longest shot I would ever have on a deer would be 30 yards tops. During gun season, I've always had good luck just taking my single shot 12 guage using buckshot. I came across an old winmgaster( I think 1956) 12 guage full fixed choke 2 3/4 that I couldn't resist. I was wondering if I could be pointed in the right direction on what type of shells to start with on patterning her? I'm going to use it on deer with buckshot, turkey, and squirrel and rabbits. Just like to get some ideas on what to start with?
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Re: New to pump shotguns

Post by Synchronizor »

With a fixed full choke, you're probably going to want to steer clear of steel or other high-velocity nontoxic shot. Stick to lead. Apart from that, it's just going to be a matter of experimenting to see what loads your gun likes best. What choke does your old shotgun have? If it's something similar, maybe start with the loads you used in that.

One option you can consider is having your barrel threaded for interchangeable choke tubes. That would give you another variable for tuning patterns. I'll bet you can find some buckshot and birdshot loads that'll work for you with the gun as-is, though. It doesn't sound like you're really pushing the envelope too much with the shots you're taking.
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Re: New to pump shotguns

Post by Goodgun »

Hornady Superperformance 00. Buck (I believe its got a versa-tite wad)? and some Federal Premium 00. Buck (same wad) pattern great at extreme ranges and hits very hard!! Would be perfect for practice and the hunt?!? In my opinion..
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