What stockset and where?

General discussion about Remington 870 shotgun.
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What stockset and where?

Post by pre13elsie »

An individual has an 870 EX magnum 20 ga with S/N AB195545U that has a laminate stockset that he wishes to change to a solid wood set---new or used. I'm aware of the issue of different size frames on an 870 but 1) don't know which one this gun uses, and 2) a source for the correct one.
Can anyone help?
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Re: What stockset and where?

Post by BurstBarrel »

pre13elsie wrote:An individual has an 870 EX magnum 20 ga with S/N AB195545U that has a laminate stockset that he wishes to change to a solid wood set---new or used. I'm aware of the issue of different size frames on an 870 but 1) don't know which one this gun uses, and 2) a source for the correct one.
Can anyone help?
From this website the http://jacobsonsguncenter.com/remington ... ame-sizes/ the frame is small. Do some searches and see what comes up, I'd start with Remington Store first.

"Remington 20 Gauge Frame Sizes

Remington made 20 gauge shotguns on two frame sizes. Many parts (including barrels) are not interchangeable between the two size frames. There seems to be much confusion about determining the correct frame size especially when purchasing a slug barrel. Here is how to tell them apart:
Frames that have a serial number that ends in “K” or “U” are the small frame guns. They have 20 gauge diameter magazine tubes and barrel rings. These are true 20 gauge size guns. They are lighter and slimmer than the large frame guns.

Frames that have serial numbers that end in “X” or “N” are large frame guns. They have 12 gauge diameter magazine tubes and barrel rings and are built on 12 gauge size receivers. They require 12 gauge trigger groups and 12 gauge wood. They are larger and heavier than the small frame gun."
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Re: What stockset and where?

Post by pre13elsie »

Thanks for solving the mystery!
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Re: What stockset and where?

Post by BurstBarrel »

Here is another option for $24:

MESA TACTICAL Lucy™ Adapter for 20 GA Shotguns (Rem 870)
http://mesatactical.com/products/lucy-1 ... k-adapter/

Mesa Tactical Lucy Stock Adapter Black 12ga to 20ga Stock Adapter Reminton 870 12Ga 93890
http://www.amazon.com/Mesa-Tactical-Ada ... B00OF3NCGW
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Re: What stockset and where?

Post by Synchronizor »

BurstBarrel wrote:Frames that have a serial number that ends in “K” or “U” are the small frame guns. They have 20 gauge diameter magazine tubes and barrel rings. These are true 20 gauge size guns. They are lighter and slimmer than the large frame guns.

Frames that have serial numbers that end in “X” or “N” are large frame guns. They have 12 gauge diameter magazine tubes and barrel rings and are built on 12 gauge size receivers. They require 12 gauge trigger groups and 12 gauge wood. They are larger and heavier than the small frame gun.
To elaborate, this info is correct, but only for older shotguns, and it can cause confusion if used to judge newer ones, since newer 870s use a different serial number format with essentially random suffix letters. All new 870s chambered for 20ga are small-frame guns though, so any 20ga with a serial number that begins with "RS" is a small-frame gun, regardless of the letter at the end of the serial number. If the serial number on a 20ga 870 begins with something other than "RS", it's a gun using the older serial number format, and the info given above by BurstBarrel applies.

Or, if all that serial number stuff is too confusing, just measure the width of the receiver:
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Re: What stockset and where?

Post by riverbear »

Those answers cleared up my 20 ga serial number confusion. Good response Burstbarrel and Synchronizor.
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