Serial number question

General discussion about Remington 870 shotgun.
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Serial number question

Post by TannerG »

Alright Im sure its been beaten to death and asked about before but I had a hard time finding it through the search. So this weekend I bought a New 870 Super Mag and love it already. Im a long time gun collector w/ multiple ARs and handguns and enjoy tracking the serial numbers of the guns I purchase (unless its a pieced together AR).

Anyway After doing some research I've discovered that typically the Super Mags are given an A at the end of the serial number and the magnums given a M. Mine curiously has a V at the end denoting simply 12g (I believe but could be wrong). I found this very odd due to the receiver being stamped w/ super magnum as well as the barrel. Any insight on this would be appreciated! I did buy it at a gun show so who knows...

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Re: Serial number question

Post by Synchronizor »

The letter at the end of the serial number used to mean something, but for current-production 870s (those with serial numbers beginning in "RS") it's just another character used to identify the specific receiver. If your shotgun has a sliding port cover attached to the rear of the bolt, it's a SuperMag (3.5") receiver.
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