Custom markings question

General discussion about Remington 870 shotgun.
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Custom markings question

Post by AZCardinalsfan »

Can somebody please tell me the name of the process that creates the markings on the 870 receiver? I am referring specifically to the port side (is that a valid term for a firearm?) which usually reads "Remington 870 Wingmaster, Tactical, Express, Police, some with Magnum, some not. Etc, Etc. Additionally, can this area be filled in and "re written on", basically? The reason I am asking is, I have a bit of a silly 870 build I want to tackle one day. I'm a big fan of the movie "Big Trouble in Little China". Jack Burton, Kurt Russell's character, drove a semi truck he called "Porkchop Express". If I started with a receiver with these markings, I would have plenty of room for a "pork chop" in front of "express", assuming "Remington 870" could be filled in first. "Magnum" would have to be filled in as well. Also, would this filling in of the letters involve a metal that wears less well than steel? Would the process I am describing result in a "Pork Chop" that would not have the inherent rigidity of the factory markings? I'm not looking to make a change that will look like garbage in a few years.
2015-04-28 00.05.52.jpg
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Re: Custom markings question

Post by Synchronizor »

Seems like what you're describing should be doable, though I'm not an authority on this type of metalworking. I'd suggest taking the gun (or maybe just the stripped receiver, depending on where you live) in to an engraver to get their professional opinion. If modifying the model name doesn't turn out to be feasible, you could always have "Pork Chop Express" engraved on the other side of the receiver, under the ejection port. That's a high-visibility spot often used for custom engraving.
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Re: Custom markings question

Post by BlenderWizard »

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