I know I'm the new guy here and all, but I'm also a forum administrator. And I sincerely hope I'm not in need of a flame suit after this.
I'm new to 870's -- Actually I'm new to shotgun ownership in general.
The search function seems -- incredibly restricted... Words like "follower" - "magazine" - "capacity" - "sling" - "stock" - "trigger" - "chamber" - "choke" - "magpul" - "ammo" - "barrel" - You can't search for any of these?
I mean, what would happen if someone who had recently acquired a first shotgun joined up and wanted to find out about things like favorite followers or magazine capacities or slings or stocks or triggers or barrels or chokes or Magpul parts or ammo?
Seriously - I'm not trying to stir up any [SELF-CENSORED], but that would be like joining a Harley Davidson forum (I can search for "motorcycle" - did it just to make sure the search function actually worked) and not being able to search for brakes, tires, mufflers, handlebars, lights, seats, etc. Sort of makes the search function unusable.
I can certainly see disabling "the" and conjunctions and what not - and I understand how overtaxing the search function can slow things down on a forum with a few hundred thousand members and several million posts. But I'm sure much of the info the average "new to the forum" type would need would be accessible using the search function if it weren't so restricted. On most forums, "UTFSF" ("Use The F'ing Search Function") is a pretty common shout out to a lot of folks that start new topics that are covered over and over. But here, well, I just don't understand the logic of squelching the search like that.
The Search Function --
Re: The Search Function --
Thanks, I will ask our admin to fix that.
http://www.Rem870.com - Blog about the Remington 870 Shotgun
Re: The Search Function --
Fixed! Search function is more useful now.
http://www.Rem870.com - Blog about the Remington 870 Shotgun
Re: The Search Function --
Awesome. You've done a great service to the forum sir.
Imma go search for stuff...
Imma go search for stuff...